
function New-CmAzIaasStorage {

         Create storage account with Blob, File share, Table and Queue
         Completes following:
            * Creates Storage Account from either standard and premium tier.
            * Choose redundancy.
            * Create Blob, Fileshare, Table and Queue with storage account.
        .Parameter SettingsFile
         File path for the settings file to be converted into a settings object.
        .Parameter SettingsObject
         Object containing the configuration values required to run this cmdlet.
        .Parameter OmitTags
         Parmeter to specify if the cmdlet should handle its own tagging.
         New-CmAzIaasStorage -SettingsFile "c:/directory/settingsFile.yml"
          New-CmAzIaasStorage -SettingsObject $settings

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Settings File")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Settings Object")]

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    try {

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess((Get-CmAzSubscriptionName), "Deploy Storage Account/s.")) {

            if ($SettingsFile -and !$SettingsObject) {
                $SettingsObject = Get-CmAzSettingsFile -Path $SettingsFile
            elseif (!$SettingsFile -and !$SettingsObject) {
                Write-Error "No valid input settings." -Category InvalidArgument -CategoryTargetName "SettingsObject"

        if ($SettingsObject.service.dependencies.resourceGroup) {
            $resourceGroup = Get-CmAzService -Service $SettingsObject.service.dependencies.resourceGroup -IsResourceGroup -ThrowIfUnavailable -ThrowIfMultiple

        $SettingsObject.storageAccounts | ForEach-Object {

            Write-Verbose "Building deployment object for $($_.storageAccountName)"

            Set-GlobalServiceValues -GlobalServiceContainer $SettingsObject -ServiceKey "storage" -ResourceServiceContainer $_

            if (!$_.location) {
                Write-Verbose "$($_.storageAccountName): No location configuraton found. It will be set to default location $($SettingsObject.Location)"
                $_.location = $SettingsObject.location

            $_.tier = $_.accountType
            $replication = $_.replication

            $_.accountType = switch ($_.accountType) {
                "premium" {
                "standard" {
                    if (!$_.replication) {
                    else {
                default {
                    Write-Error "Only premium or standard account type allowed."

            if ($_.tier -eq "Standard") {
                $_.kind = "StorageV2"

            if (!$_.kind) {
                $_.kind = "StorageV2"

            if (!$_.minimumTlsVersion) {
                $_.minimumTlsVersion = "TLS1_2"

            if (!$_.supportsHttpsTrafficOnly) {
                $_.supportsHttpsTrafficOnly = $true

            if (!$_.allowBlobPublicAccess) {
                $_.allowBlobPublicAccess = $true

            if (!$_.networkAclsBypass) {
                $_.networkAclsBypass = "AzureServices"

            if (!$_.networkAclsDefaultAction) {
                $_.networkAclsDefaultAction = "Allow"

            if (!$_.blobContainer) {
                $_.blobContainer = @(@{
                        "name" = "none"
                        "publicAccess" = "none"
            else {
                Write-Verbose "$($_.storageAccountName): Blob configuration found."
                $_.blobContainer | ForEach-Object {
                    if (!$_.publicAccess) {
                        $_.publicAccess = "none"

            if (!$_.fileShare) {
                $_.fileShare = @(
                        "name" = "none"
                        "size" = 100
            else {
                Write-Verbose "$($_.storageAccountName): FileShare configuration found."
                $_.fileShare | ForEach-Object {
                    if (!$_.size) {
                        $_.size = 100

            if (!$_.queue) {
                $_.queue = @("none")
            else {
                Write-Verbose "$($_.storageAccountName): Queue configuration found."

            if (!$_.table) {
                $_.table = @("none")
            else {
                Write-Verbose "$($_.storageAccountName): Table configuration found."

            $_.storageAccountName = Get-CmAzResourceName -Resource "Storageaccount" -Architecture "IaaS" -Region $_.location -Name $_.storageAccountName

        Write-Verbose "Settings verified successfully. Initiating deployment."

        if ($SettingsObject.service.dependencies.resourceGroup) {
            $resourceGroup = Get-CmAzService -Service $SettingsObject.service.dependencies.resourceGroup -IsResourceGroup -ThrowIfUnavailable -ThrowIfMultiple
            $SettingsObject.location = $resourceGroup.Location

        if (!$resourceGroup -and $SettingsObject.resourceGroupName) {

            Write-Verbose "ResourceGroup wasn't found with tag. New resource group will be created with provided name."
            $resourceGroupName = Get-CmAzResourceName -Resource "ResourceGroup" -Architecture "PaaS" -Name $SettingsObject.resourceGroupName -Region $SettingsObject.Location
            $resourceGroupExists = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $SettingsObject.resourceGroupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

            if (!$resourceGroupExists) {

                if ($SettingsObject.service.publish.resourceGroup) {
                    $resourceGroup = New-AzResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Tag @{"cm-service" = $SettingsObject.service.publish.resourceGroup } -Location $SettingsObject.Location -Force
                    Write-Verbose "Resource Group created: $($resourceGroup.ResourceGroupName)"

                    $resourceGroupsToSet = $resourceGroup.ResourceGroupName
                else {
                    Write-Verbose "Resource group doesn't exists and is required to be created. Please provide resource Group service tag to publish"
            else {
                Write-Error "Resource Group with provided name already exists.`nPlease provfide appropriate service tag for existing resource group or provide unique name to create new."

        elseif (!$resourceGroup -and !$SettingsObject.resourceGroupName) {
            Write-Error "Please provide appropriate service tag for existing resource group or provide unique name to create new."

        New-AzResourceGroupDeployment `
            -Name "CmAz_Storage_Master" `
            -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup.resourceGroupName `
            -TemplateFile "$PSScriptRoot/New-CmAzIaasStorage.json" `
            -StorageSettingsArray $SettingsObject.storageAccounts `
        if($OmitTags) {
            Write-Warning "Storage tagging omitted.."
        else {
            # Will run only if new resource Group is created
            Write-Verbose "Tagging Initiated.."
            Set-DeployedResourceTags -TagSettingsFile $TagSettingsFile -ResourceGroupIds $resourceGroupsToSet

            $resourcesToSet += $SettingsObject.storageAccounts.storageAccountName
            Set-DeployedResourceTags -TagSettingsFile $TagSettingsFile -ResourceIds $resourcesToSet

        Write-Verbose "Finished."
    catch {