
Import-Module CmxModule -Force

SetWindowTitle $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

Write-Output "This script predicts merge conflicts . . . "

Write-Output "Run GetPendingChanges . . . "
$result = GetPendingChanges
Write-Output "GetPendingChanges has finished"
$exitCode = $result.ExitCode
if($exitCode -ne 0)
    Write-Output "ExitCode = $exitCode"
    Write-Output "$($result.StandardError)"
    Write-Output "$($result.StandardOutput)"
if($result.ExitedInTime -eq $false)
    Write-Output "The command [GetPendingChanges] didn't exit it time!"
    exit 1
$pendingChangeList = ConvertPendingChangesOutputToChangeList($result.StandardOutput)
#$changes | Format-Table
Write-Output "PendingChangeList Count: $($pendingChangeList.Count)"

$workspace = $LocalWorkspace
$changeset = "T"
Write-Output "Changeset: $changeset"
Write-Output "Workspace: $workspace"

Write-Output "Run PreviewGetLatestByVersion . . . "
$result = PreviewGetLatestByVersion -RootDir $workspace -ItemVersion $changeset
Write-Output "PreviewGetLatestByVersion has finished"
if($result.ExitedInTime -eq $false)
    Write-Output "The command [PreviewGetLatestByVersion] didn't exit it time!"
    exit 1
$serverChangeList = ConvertGetOutputToChangeList($result.StandardOutput)
Write-Output "ChangeListCount: $($serverChangeList.Count)"
Write-Output "ServerChangeList Count: $($serverChangeList.Count)"

$result.StandardOutput | Out-File "c:\temp\ServerChangeList.txt"

$collidingItems = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[PsCustomObject]
foreach($changeItem1 in $pendingChangeList)
    foreach($changeItem2 in $serverChangeList)
        # if($changeItem1.LocalPath.Contains("Safety.Base.Test.csproj"))
        # {
        # if($changeItem2.LocalPath.ToLower().Contains("Safety.Base.Test.csproj"))
        # {
        # Write-Output "stop"
        # }
        # }

        if($changeItem1.LocalPath -eq $changeItem2.LocalPath)

Write-Output "CollidingItems Count: $($collidingItems.Count)"


# if($result.ExitCode -ne 0)
# {
# $previewResultString = "The preview detected issues, so the real command is not executed. "
# $previewResultString += "Please fix these issues first, then try again."
# Write-Output "PreviewResultString: $previewResultString"

# Write-Output ""
# Write-Output "ExitCode: $($result.ExitCode)"
# Write-Output ""
# Write-Output "Issues: "
# Write-Output "$($result.StandardError)"

# $serverChangeList = ConvertGetOutputToChangeList($result.StandardOutput)
# Write-Output "ChangeListCount: $($serverChangeList.Count)"

# }
# else
# {
# Write-Output "There a no conflicts between your pendings changes and the current server"
# }

Read-Host "The script has finished. Press any key to exit"