
Gets the server changes of the input changeset from the
TFS server.

Import-Module CmxModule -Force

SetWindowTitle $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

Write-Output "This script runs a [tf get] command regarding the given changeset."
$workspace = $LocalWorkspace
$changeset = Read-Host "Please enter the changeset"
Write-Output "Changeset: $changeset"
Write-Output "Workspace: $workspace"

Write-Output "Run preview . . . "
$result = PreviewGetLatestByVersion -RootDir $workspace -ItemVersion $changeset
Write-Output "Run preview has finished"
if($result.ExitCode -ne 0)
    $previewResultString = "The preview detected issues, so the real command is not executed. "
    $previewResultString += "Please fix these issues first, then try again."
    Write-Output "PreviewResultString: $previewResultString"

    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "ExitCode: $($result.ExitCode)"
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "Issues: "
    Write-Output "$($result.StandardError)"
    # Show the standard output in detail (if it is small) or just the linecount (if it is big).
    $measureResult = $result.StandardOutput | Measure-Object -Line
    $standardOutputLineCount = $measureResult.Lines
    Write-Output "StandardOutput: "
    if($standardOutputLineCount -gt 20)
        Write-Output "Contains $standardOutputLineCount lines"
        Write-Output "$($result.StandardOutput)"

    Write-Output "Run command . . . "
    $realResult = GetLatestByVersion -RootDir $workspace -ItemVersion $changeset
    Write-Output "Run command has finished"
    if($realResult.ExitCode -ne 0)
        $realResultString = "The command did not succeed. Please see the issues."
        Write-Output "RealResultString: $realResultString"

        Write-Output ""
        Write-Output "ExitCode: $($realResult.ExitCode)"
        Write-Output ""
        Write-Output "Issues: "
        Write-Output "$($realResult.StandardError)"
        $realResultString = "The command succeed."
        Write-Output "RealResultString: $realResultString"
        Write-Output ""
        Write-Output "ExitCode: $($realResult.ExitCode)"
        Write-Output "Issues: "
        Write-Output "$($realResult.StandardError)"

        # Show the standard output in detail (if it is small) or just the linecount (if it is big).
        $measureResult = $realResult.StandardOutput | Measure-Object -Line
        $standardOutputLineCount = $measureResult.Lines
        Write-Output "StandardOutput: "
        if($standardOutputLineCount -gt 20)
            Write-Output "Contains $standardOutputLineCount lines"
            Write-Output "$($realResult.StandardOutput)"

Read-Host "The script has finished. Press any key to exit"