
function GetTfPath([string]$version)
    Gets the path to the [tf.exe] tool which corresponds to the given VisualStudio version. The path
    depends on the installation location of VisualStudio for example "C:\Program Files (x86)\
    Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\
    Team Explorer\TF.exe".

        $version = $global:VsVersion

    $vsPath = GetVsPath $version
    $path = "$vsPath\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\TF.exe"
    return $path

function CanConnectToTfs([string]$tfsUrl, [string]$version)
    Checks whether a connection to the given TFS server is possible.
    .PARAMETER tfsUrl
    The URL of the TFS server. [Optional]
    .PARAMETER version
    The VisualStudio version from which the [tf.exe] path is derived. [Optional]

        $tfsUrl = $global:TfsUrl

        $version = $global:VsVersion

    $tf = GetTfPath -version "$version"

    $result = ExecuteProcess -fileName "$tf" -arguments "workspaces /collection:$tfsUrl /noprompt" -maxTime 30000
    $success = ($result.ExitCode -eq 0)
    return $success

    # Alternative:
    # & "$TfPath" workspaces /collection:$tfsUrl /noprompt *>$null

function GetChangedProjects()
    Gets all cs projects impacted by the local pending changes.

    $result = GetPendingChanges
    $files = $result.Files
    $projects = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]
    foreach($file in $files)
        while(!(IsNullOrEmpty $file) -And (ExistsPath $file))
            $file = Split-Path -parent $file
            $projectFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $file -Filter *.csproj
            $isProjectDir = !(IsNullOrEmpty $projectFile)
                $null = $projects.Add($projectFile.FullName)
    Add-Member -InputObject $result -NotePropertyName Projects -NotePropertyValue $projects
    return $result

function ConvertServerPathToLocalPath([string]$serverPath, [string]$serverWorkspace, [string]$localWorkspace)
    Converts a server path to a local path.
    For example the server path "$/TIA Portal/TPE/dev/Step7_Safety_T/src/S7F/FEngine" for server
    workspace "$/TIA Portal/TPE/dev/Step7_Safety_T" and local workspace "D:\WS\Step7_Safety_T" is
    converted to "D:\WS\Step7_Safety_T\src\S7F\FEngine".

    if(-not $serverWorkspace)
        $serverWorkspace = $global:ServerWorkspace

    if(-not $localWorkspace)
        $localWorkspace = $global:LocalWorkspace

    $result = $null
        $localPath = $serverPath.SubString($serverWorkspace.Length)
        $localPath = $localPath.Replace("/","\")
        $result = $localWorkspace + $localPath
    return $result

function ConvertLocalPathToServerPath([string]$localPath, [string]$serverWorkspace, [string]$localWorkspace)
    if(-not $serverWorkspace)
        $serverWorkspace = $global:ServerWorkspace

    if(-not $localWorkspace)
        $localWorkspace = $global:LocalWorkspace

    $result = $null
        $serverPath = $localPath.SubString($localWorkspace.Length)
        $serverPath = $serverPath.Replace("\","/")
        $result = $serverWorkspace + $serverPath
    return $result

function ConvertGetOutputToChangeList([string]$output)
    $lines = $output -split "`r`n"
    #Write-Output "Line Count:" $lines.Count
    #$lines = $lines | Where-Object { $_.Length -gt 0 }
    #Write-Output "Filled Line Count:" $lines.Count
    $localFolder = $null
    #$localFolderCount = 0
    $changeList = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[PsCustomObject]
    foreach($line in $lines)
        if($line.Length -gt 0)
            $foundChange = $false
            $changeType = $null
            $localPath = $null

            if($line.ToLower().StartsWith("getting "))
                $foundChange = $true
                $changeType = "add"
                $localPath = $localFolder + "\" + $line.SubString(8)

                # $item = $line.SubString(8)
                # $changeList.Add(@{Path = $localFolder + "\" + $item; Adjective = "getting"})
            elseif($line.ToLower().StartsWith("replacing "))
                $foundChange = $true
                $changeType = "edit"
                $localPath = $localFolder + "\" + $line.SubString(10)

                # $item = $line.SubString(10)
                # $changeList.Add(@{Path = $localFolder + "\" + $item; Adjective = "replacing"})
            elseif($line.ToLower().StartsWith("deleting "))
                $foundChange = $true
                $changeType = "delete"
                $localPath = $localFolder + "\" + $line.SubString(9)

                # $item = $line.SubString(9)
                # $changeList.Add(@{Path = $localFolder + "\" + $item; Adjective = "deleting"})
                $localFolder = $line.SubString(0, $line.Length - 1)

                $changeList.Add([PsCustomObject]@{LocalPath = $localPath; ChangeType = $changeType})
    # Write-Output "ParentCount:" $parentCount
    # $gettingCount = ($changeList | Where-Object { $_.Adjective -eq "getting" }).Count
    # $replacingCount = ($changeList | Where-Object { $_.Adjective -eq "replacing" }).Count
    # $deletingCount = ($changeList | Where-Object { $_.Adjective -eq "deleting" }).Count
    # Write-Output "GettingCount:" $gettingCount
    # Write-Output "ReplacingCount:" $replacingCount
    # Write-Output "DeletingCount:" $deletingCount
    # $totalCount = $gettingCount + $replacingCount + $deletingCount + $parentCount
    # Write-Output "TotalCount:" $totalCount
    return $changeList

function ConvertPendingChangesOutputToChangeList([string]$output)
    $lines = $output -split "`r`n"
    # Variable changes contains the changed items. An items is either a files or a folder.
    $changes = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[PsCustomObject]
    # Holds the index where in a line the change type (add, edit, delete) begins.
    $changeIndex = 0
    # Holds the last server folder. In case of a deleted item, the last server folder can be
    # used to find the local folder from which the item has been deleted.
    $serverFolder = ""
    # Holds the count of added items.
    $addCount = 0
    # Holds the count of edited items.
    $editCount = 0
    # Holds the count of deleted items.
    $deleteCount = 0
    foreach($line in $lines)
        if($changeIndex -eq 0)
            if($line.Length -gt 0)
                $index = $line.ToLower().IndexOf("change")
                if($index -gt 0)
                    $changeIndex = $index
        elseif($line.Length -ge $changeIndex)
                $serverFolder = $line
                $itemName = $line.SubString(0, $changeIndex).Trim()
                $line = $line.SubString($changeIndex)
                $parts = $line -split "\s+"
                if($parts -ge 1)
                    $changeType = $parts[0]
                    $foundChange = $false
                    if($changeType -eq "edit")
                        $foundChange = $true
                        $localPath =  $parts[1]
                    elseif($changeType -eq "add")
                        $foundChange = $true
                        $localPath =  $parts[1]
                    elseif($changeType -eq "delete")
                        $foundChange = $true
                        if($localPath.Length -eq 0)
                            $localFolder = ConvertServerPathToLocalPath -ServerPath $serverFolder
                            $localPath = $localFolder + "\" + $itemName

                        $changes.Add([PsCustomObject]@{LocalPath = $localPath; ChangeType = $changeType})
    return $changes

function GetPendingChanges()
    Gets all pending changes on ALL workspaces.

    $tf = GetTfPath
    $result = ExecuteProcess -fileName "$tf" -arguments "vc status /collection:$TfsUrl" -maxTime 30000
    # Add-Member -InputObject $result -NotePropertyName AddCount -NotePropertyValue $addCount
    # Add-Member -InputObject $result -NotePropertyName EditCount -NotePropertyValue $editCount
    # Add-Member -InputObject $result -NotePropertyName DeleteCount -NotePropertyValue $deleteCount
    # Add-Member -InputObject $result -NotePropertyName Changes -NotePropertyValue $changes
    return $result

function PreviewGetLatest([string]$rootDir)
    Checks the given directory for server-side changes.

    $tf = GetTfPath
    $result = ExecuteProcess -fileName "$tf" -arguments "get `"$rootDir`" /recursive /overwrite /noprompt /preview"
    return $result

function GetLatest([string]$rootDir)
    Gets all server-side changes from the given directory.

    $tf = GetTfPath
    $result = ExecuteProcess -fileName "$tf" -arguments "get `"$rootDir`" /recursive /overwrite /noprompt"
    return $result

function PreviewGetLatestByVersion([string]$rootDir, [string]$itemVersion)
    Previews a [tf get] of all server-side changes in the given directory regarding the given item
    version. The item version can be a changeset, a date or a label. If the item version is not
    specified, the latest item version is used.

        $itemVersion = "T"

    $tf = GetTfPath
    $command = "get `"$rootDir`" /version:$itemVersion /recursive /overwrite /noprompt /preview"
    #Write-Host "command: $command"
    $result = ExecuteProcess -fileName "$tf" -arguments "$command"
    return $result

function GetLatestByVersion([string]$rootDir, [string]$itemVersion)
    Performs a [tf get] of all server-side changes in the given directory regarding the given item
    version. The item version can be a changeset, a date or a label. If the item version is not
    specified, the latest item version is used.

        $itemVersion = "T"

    $tf = GetTfPath
    $command = "get `"$rootDir`" /version:$itemVersion /recursive /overwrite /noprompt"
    #Write-Host "command: $command"
    $result = ExecuteProcess -fileName "$tf" -arguments "$command"
    return $result

function UndoPendingChanges([string]$localWorkspace, [string]$workspaceName)
    Undoes the pending changes in the given local workspace and the given workspace name.

        $workspaceName = $global:WorkspaceName

        $localWorkspace = $global:LocalWorkspace


    $tf = GetTfPath
    $result = ExecuteProcess -fileName "$tf" -arguments "undo * /recursive /noprompt /workspace:`"$workspaceName`""
    return $result

function ScorchWorkspace([string]$localWorkspace)
    Scorches the local workspace.

        $localWorkspace = $global:LocalWorkspace


    $tf = GetTfPath
    $result = ExecuteProcess -fileName "$tf" -arguments "vc scorch /exclude:binaries /noprompt"
    return $result

function PreviewScorchWorkspace([string]$localWorkspace)
    Previews a scorch of the local workspace.

        $localWorkspace = $global:LocalWorkspace


    $currentDir = GetCurrentDirectory
    Write-Host "CurrentDir: $currentDir"

    # Unrooted folders named "binaries" e.g. "D:\WS\Step7_Safety_T\packages\SomePack\Binaries" will not be deleted.
    # Even "/exclude:\binaries" does not help here.
    $tf = GetTfPath
    $result = ExecuteProcess -fileName "$tf" -arguments "vc scorch /exclude:binaries /noprompt /preview"
    return $result

function CleanWorkspace([string]$localWorkspace)
    Cleans the local workspace via reconcile command.

        $localWorkspace = $global:LocalWorkspace


    $tf = GetTfPath
    $result = ExecuteProcess -fileName "$tf" -arguments "reconcile /clean /recursive /ignore /noprompt"
    return $result

function ExecuteProcess ([string]$fileName, [string]$arguments, [int]$maxTime)
        Executes the given process. The process is forced to exit if the maximum time has elapsed.
    .PARAMETER fileName
        Path or name of the process to execute.
    .PARAMETER arguments
        Arguments passed to the process.
    .PARAMETER maxTime
        Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the process to finish. The parameter must be
        greater than 0, otherwise the process has no time limit.

    $info = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
    $info.FileName = "$fileName"
    $info.Arguments = "$arguments"
    $info.RedirectStandardError = $true
    $info.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
    $info.UseShellExecute = $false
    $p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
    $p.StartInfo = $info
    $standardOutput = $p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
    $standardError = $p.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
    $exitedInTime = $true
    if($maxTime -gt 0)
        $exitedInTime = $p.WaitForExit($maxTime)
    $exitCode = $p.ExitCode
    return [PsCustomObject]@{
        StandardOutput = $standardOutput
        StandardError = $standardError
        ExitCode = $exitCode
        ExitedInTime = $exitedInTime

function GetExitCodeString([int]$exitCode)
    Gets the description of an exit code produced by one of the
    TFVC methods.

        0 { "Command succeeded" }
        1 { "Command succeeded partially" }
        2 { "Command is unrecognized" }
        100 { "Command failed" }
        default { "Exitcdoe is undefined" }