
function Write-PInvoke
        Creates C# code to access a C function
        Creates P/Invoke C# code to access a C function
        Write-PInvoke -Library User32.dll -Signature GetSystemMetrics(uint Metric)

    # The C Library Containing the Function, i.e. User32
        HelpMessage="The C Library Containing the Function, i.e. User32",
    # The Signature of the Method, i.e. int GetSystemMetrics(int Metric
        HelpMessage="The Signature of the Method, i.e. int GetSystemMetrics(int Metric",
    process {
        if ($Library -notlike "*.dll*") {
        if ($signature -notlike "*;") {
        if ($signature -notlike "public static extern*") {
            $signature = "public static extern $signature"