
function get-faVolumeNameFromVvolUuid{
      Connects to vCenter and FlashArray to return the FA volume that is a VVol virtual disk.
      Takes in a VVol UUID to identify what volume it is on the FlashArray. If a VVol UUID is not specified it will ask you for a VM and then a VMDK and will find the UUID for you.
      FA REST session, FA FQDN/IP and VVol UUID.
      Returns volume name.
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman
      Creation Date: 08/06/2018
      Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.

    #Import PowerCLI. Requires PowerCLI version 6.3 or later. Will fail here if PowerCLI cannot be installed
    #Will try to install PowerCLI with PowerShellGet if PowerCLI is not present.



if (($vvolUUID -eq $null) -or ($vvolUUID -eq ""))
    #Choose VM
    if ($null -eq $global:defaultviserver)
        Write-Error -Message "There is no PowerCLI connection to a vCenter, please connect first with connect-viserver."
        return $null
    $vmExists = $true
        try {
            $vmName = Read-Host "Please enter in the name of your VM" 
            $vm = get-vm -name $vmName -ErrorAction Stop 
            $vmExists = $true
        catch {
            Write-Warning -Message $Global:Error[0]
            $vmExists = $false
    } while ($vmExists -eq $false)

    #Get disks
    try {
        $disks = $vm |Get-HardDisk -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        Write-Warning -Message $Global:Error[0]

    #Find disks that are VVols
    try {
        $vvolDisks = @()
        foreach ($disk in $disks)
            $datastore = $disk |Get-datastore 
            if ($datastore.type -eq "VVOL")
                $vvolDisks += $disk
        if ($vvolDisks.count -eq 0)
            throw "No VVol disks found on this VM."
    catch {
        Write-Error -Message $Global:Error[0]
        return $null

    #List and Choose disk
    $chooseDisk = $true
    do {
        try {
            Write-Host "Found the following disk(s):" 
            $Global:seq = 1; $vvolDisks | Format-Table -Property @{Label = '#'; Expression = {$Global:seq; $Global:seq++;}; Alignment = "center"}, Name,Filename,CapacityGB -AutoSize
            $diskChoice = Read-Host "Please type your disk choice number [1-$($vvolDisks.count)]"
            $validOptions = 1..$vvolDisks.count
            if ($validOptions -contains $diskChoice)
                $chosenDisk = $vvolDisks[$diskChoice-1]
                $vvolUUID = $chosenDisk.ExtensionData.backing.backingObjectId
                $chooseDisk = $true
            else {
                throw "Invalid choice."
        catch {
            Write-Warning -Message $Global:Error[0]
            $chooseDisk = $false
    } while ($chooseDisk -eq $false)

    Write-Host "The VVol UUID is $($vvolUUID)"

   #Pull tags that match the volume with that UUID
    try {
        $volumeTags = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "https://${purevip}/api/1.14/volume?tags=true&filter=value='${vvolUUID}'" -WebSession $faSession -ErrorAction Stop
        $volumeName = $volumeTags |where-object {$_.key -eq "PURE_VVOL_ID"}
    catch {
        Write-Error -message $Error[0] 
        return $null
    try {
        if ($null -ne $volumeName)
            return $
        else {
            Write-Error "The VVol was not found on this FlashArray" 
            return $null
    catch {
            Write-Error -Message $Global:Error[0]
            return $null

function new-pureflasharrayRestSession {

      Connects to FlashArray and creates a REST connection.
      For operations that are in the FlashArray REST, but not in the Pure Storage PowerShell SDK yet, this provides a connection for invoke-restmethod to use.
      FlashArray IP/FQDN and credentials
      Returns REST session
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman
      Creation Date: 08/06/2018
      Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.


    #Connect to FlashArray
add-type @"
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
    public bool CheckValidationResult(
        ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
        WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
        return true;

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy
    #Get FA API token
    $faConnected = $true
    do {
        try {
                if (($null -eq $purevip) -or ($purevip -eq "") -or ($faConnected -eq $false))
                    $purevip = read-host "Please enter the mgmt IP or FQDN of your FlashArray"
                if (($null -eq $faCreds) -or ($faConnected -eq $false))
                    $faCreds = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter your FlashArray credentials"
                    $tempPass = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($faCreds.Password)
                    $UnsecurePassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($tempPass)
                    $AuthAction = @{
                        password = ${UnsecurePassword}
                        username = ${faCreds}.UserName
                    $tempPass = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($faCreds.Password)
                    $UnsecurePassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($tempPass)
                    $AuthAction = @{
                        password = ${UnsecurePassword}
                        username = ${faCreds}.UserName
                $ApiToken = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "https://${purevip}/api/1.14/auth/apitoken" -Body $AuthAction -ErrorAction Stop
                $faConnected = $true
        catch {
                write-Warning -message $Error[0] 
                $faConnected = $false
    } while ($faConnected -eq $false)

    #Create FA session
    try {
        $SessionAction = @{
            api_token = $ApiToken.api_token
        Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "https://${purevip}/api/1.14/auth/session" -Body $SessionAction -SessionVariable Session -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null
        return $Session
    catch {
           Write-Error -Message $Error[0]
           return $null  

function remove-pureflasharrayRestSession {
      Disconnects a FlashArray REST session
      Takes in a FlashArray PowerShell REST session and disconnects on the FlashArray.
      FA REST session, FA FQDN/IP.
      Returns success or failure.
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman
      Creation Date: 08/06/2018
      Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



     #Delete FA session
     try {
        Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri "https://${purevip}/api/1.14/auth/session"  -WebSession $faSession -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null
        Write-Host "FlashArray session disconnected."
        return $true
    catch {
           Write-Error -Message $Error[0] 
           return $false 

function get-vmdkFromWindowsDisk {
      Returns the VM disk object that corresponds to a given Windows file system
      Takes in a drive letter and a VM object and returns a matching VMDK object
      VM, Drive Letter
      Returns VMDK object
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman
      Creation Date: 08/24/2018
      Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.


    if ($null -eq $global:defaultviserver)
       throw "There is no PowerCLI connection to a vCenter, please connect first with connect-viserver."
    if ($null -eq $vm)
        try {
            $vmName = Read-Host "Please enter in the name of your VM" 
            $vm = get-vm -name $vmName -ErrorAction Stop 
        catch {
            throw $Global:Error[0]
    try {
        $guest = $vm |Get-VMGuest
    catch {
        throw $Error[0]
    if ($guest.State -ne "running")
        throw "This VM does not have VM tools running"
    if ($guest.GuestFamily -ne "windowsGuest")
        throw "This is not a Windows VM--it is $($guest.OSFullName)"
    try {
        $advSetting = Get-AdvancedSetting -Entity $vm -Name Disk.EnableUUID -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        throw $Error[0]
    if ($advSetting.value -eq "FALSE")
        throw "The VM $($ has the advanced setting Disk.EnableUUID set to FALSE. This must be set to TRUE for this cmdlet to work."    
    if (($null -eq $driveLetter) -or ($driveLetter -eq ""))
        try {
            $driveLetter = Read-Host "Please enter in a drive letter" 
            if (($null -eq $driveLetter) -or ($driveLetter -eq ""))
                throw "No drive letter entered"
        catch {
            throw $Global:Error[0]
    try {
        $VMdiskSerialNumber = $vm |Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText "get-partition -driveletter $($driveLetter) | get-disk | ConvertTo-CSV -NoTypeInformation"  -WarningAction silentlyContinue -ErrorAction Stop |ConvertFrom-Csv
    catch {
            throw $Error[0]
    if (![bool]($ -match "serialnumber"))
        throw ($VMdiskSerialNumber |Out-String) 
    try {
        $vmDisk = $vm | Get-HardDisk |Where-Object {$_.ExtensionData.backing.uuid.replace("-","") -eq $VMdiskSerialNumber.SerialNumber}
    catch {
        throw $Global:Error[0]
    if ($null -ne $vmDisk)
        return $vmDisk
    else {
        throw "Could not match the VM disk to a VMware virtual disk"

function new-faHostFromVmHost {
      Create a FlashArray host from an ESXi vmhost object
      Takes in a vCenter ESXi host and creates a FlashArray host
      FlashArray connection, a vCenter ESXi vmHost, and iSCSI/FC option
      Returns new FlashArray host object.
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman
      Creation Date: 09/09/2018
      Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



    if (($protocolType -ne "FC") -and ($protocolType -ne "iSCSI"))
        throw 'No valid protocol entered. Please make sure $protocolType is set to either "FC" or "iSCSI"'
    if ($null -eq $global:defaultviserver)
       throw "There is no PowerCLI connection to a vCenter, please connect first with connect-viserver."
    if ($protocolType -eq "iSCSI")
        $iscsiadapter = $esxi | Get-VMHostHBA -Type iscsi | Where-Object {$_.Model -eq "iSCSI Software Adapter"}
        if ($null -eq $iscsiadapter)
            throw "No Software iSCSI adapter found on host $($esxi.NetworkInfo.HostName)."
            $iqn = $iscsiadapter.ExtensionData.IScsiName
            $newFaHost = New-PfaHost -Array $flasharray -Name $esxi.NetworkInfo.HostName -IqnList $iqn -ErrorAction stop
            return $newFaHost
            Write-Error $Global:Error[0]
    if ($protocolType -eq "FC")
        $wwns = $esxi | Get-VMHostHBA -Type FibreChannel | Select-Object VMHost,Device,@{N="WWN";E={"{0:X}" -f $_.PortWorldWideName}} | Format-table -Property WWN -HideTableHeaders |out-string
        $wwns = (($wwns.Replace("`n","")).Replace("`r","")).Replace(" ","")
        $wwns = &{for ($i = 0;$i -lt $wwns.length;$i += 16)
            $newFaHost = New-PfaHost -Array $flasharray -Name $esxi.NetworkInfo.HostName -WwnList $wwns -ErrorAction stop
            return $newFaHost
            Write-Error $Global:Error[0]

function get-faHostFromVmHost {
      Gets a FlashArray host object from a ESXi vmhost object
      Takes in a vmhost and returns a matching FA host if found
      FlashArray connection and a vCenter ESXi host
      Returns FA host if matching one is found.
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman
      Creation Date: 09/09/2018
      Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.


    if ($null -eq $global:defaultviserver)
       throw "There is no PowerCLI connection to a vCenter, please connect first with connect-viserver."
    $iscsiadapter = $esxi | Get-VMHostHBA -Type iscsi | Where-Object {$_.Model -eq "iSCSI Software Adapter"}
    $wwns = $esxi | Get-VMHostHBA -Type FibreChannel | Select-Object VMHost,Device,@{N="WWN";E={"{0:X}" -f $_.PortWorldWideName}} | Format-table -Property WWN -HideTableHeaders |out-string
        $wwns = (($wwns.Replace("`n","")).Replace("`r","")).Replace(" ","")
        $wwns = &{for ($i = 0;$i -lt $wwns.length;$i += 16)
    $fahosts = Get-PFAHosts -array $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop
    if ($null -ne $iscsiadapter)
        $iqn = $iscsiadapter.ExtensionData.IScsiName
        foreach ($fahost in $fahosts)
            if ($fahost.iqn.count -ge 1)
                foreach ($fahostiqn in $fahost.iqn)
                    if ($iqn.ToLower() -eq $fahostiqn.ToLower())
                        return $fahost
    if ($null -ne $wwns)
        foreach ($wwn in $wwns)
            foreach ($fahost in $fahosts)
                if ($fahost.wwn.count -ge 1)
                    foreach($fahostwwn in $fahost.wwn)
                        if ($wwn.ToLower() -eq $fahostwwn.ToLower())
                            return $fahost
    else {
        throw "No matching host could be found on the FlashArray"

function get-faHostGroupfromVcCluster {
      Retrieves a FA host group from an ESXi cluster
      Takes in a vCenter Cluster and retrieves corresonding host group
      FlashArray connection and a vCenter cluster
      Returns success or failure.
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman
      Creation Date: 09/09/2018
      Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.


    if ($null -eq $global:defaultviserver)
       throw "There is no PowerCLI connection to a vCenter, please connect first with connect-viserver."
    $esxiHosts = $cluster |Get-VMHost
    $faHostGroups = @()
    $faHostGroupNames = @()
    foreach ($esxiHost in $esxiHosts)
        try {
            $faHost = $esxiHost | get-faHostFromVmHost -flasharray $flasharray
            if ($null -ne $faHost.hgroup)
                if ($faHostGroupNames.contains($faHost.hgroup))
                else {
                     $faHostGroupNames += $faHost.hgroup
                     $faHostGroup = Get-PfaHostGroup -Array $flasharray -Name $faHost.hgroup
                     $faHostGroups += $faHostGroup
    if ($null -eq $faHostGroup)
        throw "No host group found for this cluster"
    if ($faHostGroups.count -gt 1)
        Write-Warning -Message "This cluster spans more than one host group. The recommendation is to have only one host group per cluster"
    return $faHostGroups

function new-faHostGroupfromVcCluster {
      Create a host group from an ESXi cluster
      Takes in a vCenter Cluster and creates hosts (if needed) and host group
      FlashArray connection, a vCenter cluster, and iSCSI/FC option
      Returns success or failure.
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman
      Creation Date: 08/06/2018
      Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.


    if ($null -eq $global:defaultviserver)
       throw "There is no PowerCLI connection to a vCenter, please connect first with connect-viserver."
    if (($protocolType -ne "FC") -and ($protocolType -ne "iSCSI"))
        throw 'No valid protocol entered. Please make sure $protocolType is set to either "FC" or "iSCSI"'

    $hostGroup = $cluster |get-faHostGroupfromVcCluster -flasharray $flasharray -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($hostGroup.count -gt 1)
        throw "The cluster already is configured on the FlashArray and spans more than one host group. This cmdlet does not support a multi-hostgroup configuration."
    if ($hostGroup.count -eq 1)
        $clustername = $
    $esxiHosts = $cluster |Get-VMHost
    $faHosts = @()
    foreach ($esxiHost in $esxiHosts)
        $faHost = $null
        try {
            $faHost = $esxiHost |get-faHostFromVmHost -flasharray $flasharray
        catch {}
        if ($null -eq $faHost)
            try {
                $faHost = $esxiHost |new-faHostFromVmHost -flasharray $flasharray -protocolType $protocolType -ErrorAction Stop
                $faHosts += $faHost
            catch {
                Write-Error $Global:Error[0]
                throw "Could not create host. Cannot create host group." 
        else {
            $faHosts += $faHost
    #FlashArray only supports Alphanumeric or the dash - character in host group names. Checking for VMware cluster name compliance and removing invalid characters.
    if ($null -eq $hostGroup)
        if ($cluster.Name -match "^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+$")
            $clustername = $cluster.Name
            $clustername = $cluster.Name -replace "[^\w\-]", ""
            $clustername = $clustername -replace "[_]", ""
            $clustername = $clustername -replace " ", ""
        $hg = Get-PfaHostGroup -Array $flasharray -Name $clustername -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($null -ne $hg)
            if ($hg.hosts.count -ne 0)
                #if host group name is already in use and has only unexpected hosts i will create a new one with a random number at the end
                $nameRandom = get-random -Minimum 1000 -Maximum 9999
                $hostGroup = New-PfaHostGroup -Array $flasharray -Name "$($clustername)-$($nameRandom)" -ErrorAction stop
                $clustername = "$($clustername)-$($nameRandom)"
        else {
            #if there is no host group, it will be created
            $hostGroup = New-PfaHostGroup -Array $flasharray -Name $clustername -ErrorAction stop
    $faHostNames = @()
    foreach ($faHost in $faHosts)
        if ($null -eq $faHost.hgroup)
            $faHostNames += $
    #any hosts that are not already in the host group will be added
    Add-PfaHosts -Array $flasharray -Name $clustername -HostsToAdd $faHostNames -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null
    $fahostGroup = Get-PfaHostGroup -Array $flasharray -Name $clustername
    return $fahostGroup

function set-vmHostPureFaiSCSI{
      Configure FlashArray iSCSI target information on ESXi host
      Takes in an ESXi hosts and configures FlashArray iSCSI target info
      FlashArray connection and an ESXi host
      Returns ESXi iSCSI targets.
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman
      Creation Date: 09/09/2018
      Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.


    if ($esxi.ExtensionData.Runtime.ConnectionState -ne "connected")
        Write-Warning "Host $($esxi.NetworkInfo.HostName) is not in a connected state and cannot be configured."
    $ESXitargets = @()
    $faiSCSItargets = Get-PfaNetworkInterfaces -Array $flasharray |Where-Object {$ -eq "iscsi"}
    if ($null -eq $faiSCSItargets)
        throw "The target FlashArray does not currently have any iSCSI targets configured."
    $iscsi = $esxi |Get-VMHostStorage
    if ($iscsi.SoftwareIScsiEnabled -ne $true)
        $esxi | get-vmhoststorage |Set-VMHostStorage -SoftwareIScsiEnabled $True |out-null
    foreach ($faiSCSItarget in $faiSCSItargets)
        $iscsiadapter = $esxi | Get-VMHostHba -Type iScsi | Where-Object {$_.Model -eq "iSCSI Software Adapter"}
        if (!(Get-IScsiHbaTarget -IScsiHba $iscsiadapter -Type Send -ErrorAction stop | Where-Object {$_.Address -cmatch $faiSCSItarget.address}))
            New-IScsiHbaTarget -IScsiHba $iscsiadapter -Address $faiSCSItarget.address -ErrorAction stop 
        $esxcli = $esxi |Get-esxcli -v2 
        $iscsiargs = $esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.sendtarget.param.get.CreateArgs()
        $iscsiargs.adapter = $iscsiadapter.Device
        $iscsiargs.address = $faiSCSItarget.address
        $delayedAck = $esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.sendtarget.param.get.invoke($iscsiargs) |where-object {$ -eq "DelayedAck"}
        $loginTimeout = $esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.sendtarget.param.get.invoke($iscsiargs) |where-object {$ -eq "LoginTimeout"}
        if ($delayedAck.Current -eq "true")
            $iscsiargs = $esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.sendtarget.param.set.CreateArgs()
            $iscsiargs.adapter = $iscsiadapter.Device
            $iscsiargs.address = $faiSCSItarget.address
            $iscsiargs.value = "false"
            $iscsiargs.key = "DelayedAck"
            $esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.sendtarget.param.set.invoke($iscsiargs) |out-null
        if ($loginTimeout.Current -ne "30")
            $iscsiargs = $esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.sendtarget.param.set.CreateArgs()
            $iscsiargs.adapter = $iscsiadapter.Device
            $iscsiargs.address = $faiSCSItarget.address
            $iscsiargs.value = "30"
            $iscsiargs.key = "LoginTimeout"
            $esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.sendtarget.param.set.invoke($iscsiargs) |out-null
        $ESXitargets += Get-IScsiHbaTarget -IScsiHba $iscsiadapter -Type Send -ErrorAction stop | Where-Object {$_.Address -cmatch $faiSCSItarget.address}
    return $ESXitargets

function set-clusterPureFAiSCSI {
      Configure an ESXi cluster with FlashArray iSCSI information
      Takes in a vCenter Cluster and configures iSCSI on each host.
      FlashArray connection and a vCenter cluster.
      Returns iSCSI targets.
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman
      Creation Date: 09/09/2018
      Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.


    $esxihosts = $cluster |Get-VMHost
    $esxiiSCSItargets = @()
    $hostCount = 0
    foreach ($esxihost in $esxihosts)
        if ($hostCount -eq 0)
             Write-Progress -Activity "Configuring iSCSI" -status "Host: $esxihost" -percentComplete 0
        else {
            Write-Progress -Activity "Configuring iSCSI" -status "Host: $esxihost" -percentComplete (($hostCount / $esxihosts.count) *100)
        $esxiiSCSItargets += $esxihost | set-vmHostPureFaiSCSI -flasharray $flasharray
    return $esxiiSCSItargets

function get-faVolfromVMFS {
      Retrieves the FlashArray volume that hosts a VMFS datastore.
      Takes in a VMFS datastore and one or more FlashArrays and returns the volume if found.
      FlashArray connection(s) and a VMFS datastore.
      Returns FlashArray volume or null if not found.
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman
      Creation Date: 09/10/2018
      Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.


    if ($datastore.Type -ne 'VMFS')
        throw "This is not a VMFS datastore."
    $lun = $datastore.ExtensionData.Info.Vmfs.Extent.DiskName |select-object -unique
    if ($lun -like 'naa.624a9370*')
        $pureVolumes = Get-PfaVolumes -Array  $flasharray
        $volserial = ($lun.ToUpper()).substring(12)
        $purevol = $purevolumes | where-object { $_.serial -eq $volserial }
        if ($null -ne $
            return $purevol
        else {
            return $null
    else {
        throw "This VMFS is not hosted on FlashArray storage."

function new-faVolVmfs {
      Create a new VMFS on a new FlashArray volume
      Creates a new FlashArray-based VMFS and presents it to a cluster.
      FlashArray connection, a vCenter cluster, a volume size, and name.
      Returns a VMFS object.
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman
      Creation Date: 09/10/2018
      Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.





    if (($sizeInGB -eq 0) -and ($sizeInTB -eq 0))
        throw "Please enter a size in GB or TB"
    elseif (($sizeInGB -ne 0) -and ($sizeInTB -ne 0)) {
        throw "Please only enter a size in TB or GB, not both."
    elseif ($sizeInGB -ne 0) {
        $volSize = $sizeInGB * 1024 *1024 *1024   
    else {
        $volSize = $sizeInTB * 1024 *1024 *1024 * 1024
    try {
        $hostGroup = $cluster | get-faHostGroupfromVcCluster -flasharray $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        throw $Global:Error[0]
    $newVol = New-PfaVolume -Array $flasharray -Size $volSize -VolumeName $volName -ErrorAction Stop
    New-PfaHostGroupVolumeConnection -Array $flasharray -VolumeName $ -HostGroupName $ |Out-Null
    $esxi = $cluster | get-vmhost | where-object {($_.version -like '5.5.*') -or ($_.version -like '6.*')}| where-object {($_.ConnectionState -eq 'Connected')} |Select-Object -last 1
    $cluster| Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostStorage -RescanAllHba |Out-Null
    $newNAA =  "naa.624a9370" + $newVol.serial.toLower()
    $ESXiApiVersion = $esxi.ExtensionData.Summary.Config.Product.ApiVersion
    try {
        if (($ESXiApiVersion -eq "5.5") -or ($ESXiApiVersion -eq "6.0") -or ($ESXiApiVersion -eq "5.1"))
            $newVMFS = $esxi |new-datastore -name $ -vmfs -Path $newNAA -FileSystemVersion 5 -ErrorAction Stop
            $newVMFS = $esxi |new-datastore -name $ -vmfs -Path $newNAA -FileSystemVersion 6 -ErrorAction Stop
        return $newVMFS
    catch {
        Write-Error $Global:Error[0]
        Remove-PfaHostGroupVolumeConnection -Array $flasharray -VolumeName $ -HostGroupName $
        Remove-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $flasharray -Name $ 
        Remove-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $flasharray -Name $ -Eradicate
        return $null

function add-faVolVmfsToCluster {
      Add an existing FlashArray-based VMFS to another VMware cluster.
      Takes in a vCenter Cluster and a datastore and the corresponding FlashArray
      FlashArray connection, a vCenter cluster, and a datastore
      Returns the FlashArray host group connection.
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman
      Creation Date: 09/10/2018
      Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



    try {
        $pureVol = $datastore | get-faVolfromVMFS -flasharray $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop
        $hostGroup = $cluster |get-faHostGroupfromVcCluster -flasharray $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop
        $faConnection = New-PfaHostGroupVolumeConnection -Array $flasharray -VolumeName $ -HostGroupName $ -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        Write-Error $Global:Error
        return $null
    try {
        $cluster| Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostStorage -RescanAllHba -RescanVmfs -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null
    catch {
        Write-Error $Global:Error[0]
        Remove-PfaHostGroupVolumeConnection -Array $flasharray -VolumeName $ -HostGroupName $ |Out-Null
        return $null
    return $faConnection

function set-faVolVmfsCapacity {
      Increase the size of a FlashArray-based VMFS datastore.
      Takes in a datastore, the corresponding FlashArray, and a new size. Both the volume and the VMFS will be grown.
      FlashArray connection, a size, and a datastore
      Returns the datastore.
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman
      Creation Date: 09/11/2018
      Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.




    if (($sizeInGB -eq 0) -and ($sizeInTB -eq 0))
        throw "Please enter a size in GB or TB"
    elseif (($sizeInGB -ne 0) -and ($sizeInTB -ne 0)) {
        throw "Please only enter a size in TB or GB, not both."
    elseif ($sizeInGB -ne 0) {
        $volSize = $sizeInGB * 1024 *1024 *1024   
    else {
        $volSize = $sizeInTB * 1024 *1024 *1024 * 1024
    if ($volSize -le $pureVol.size)
        throw "The new size cannot be smaller than the existing size. VMFS volumes cannot be shrunk."
        return $null
    try {
        $pureVol = $datastore | get-faVolfromVMFS -flasharray $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop
        Resize-PfaVolume -Array $flasharray -VolumeName $ -NewSize $volSize |Out-Null
    catch {
        Write-Error $Global:Error
        return $null
    try {
        $datastore| Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostStorage -RescanAllHba -RescanVmfs -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null
        $esxiView = Get-View -Id ($Datastore.ExtensionData.Host |Select-Object -last 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Key)
        $datastoreSystem = Get-View -Id $esxiView.ConfigManager.DatastoreSystem
        $expandOptions = $datastoreSystem.QueryVmfsDatastoreExpandOptions($datastore.ExtensionData.MoRef)
        $expandedDS = $datastoreSystem.ExpandVmfsDatastore($datastore.ExtensionData.MoRef,$expandOptions[0].spec)
    catch {
        Write-Error $Global:Error[0]
        return $null
    return $expandedDS