
class OSDNotConnectedException: Exception
    OSDNotConnectedException(): base("You must call the Connect-OSD cmdlet before calling any other cmdlets.")

class OSDAlreadyConnectedException: Exception
    OSDAlreadyConnectedException(): base("Already connected. First use Disconnect-OSD, or use the -Force parameter.")

class OSDTaskSequenceNotFoundException: Exception
    OSDTaskSequenceNotFoundException([string]$Share, [string]$TaskSequenceID) : base("A task sequence with the ID ""$TaskSequenceID"" was not found in the share ""$Share"".")

class OSDMakeModelNotFoundException : Exception
    OSDMakeModelNotFoundException([string]$Share, [string]$ModelID) : base("A model with the ID ""$ModelID"" was not found in the share ""$Share"".")

class OSDComputerNotFoundException : Exception
    OSDComputerNotFoundException([string]$Share, [string]$ComputerID) : base("A computer with the ID ""$ComputerID"" was not found in the share ""$Share"".")