
Reads properties for multiple objects in parallel, then outputs values for all.

Reads properties for multiple objects in parallel, then outputs new objects for all.

The properties parameter is a map of key names to constants (passed through), script blocks (evaluated with the index), and $null (queries for a value).

function Read-MultiData {
    PARAM (
            # The number of objects to get data for.
            [ValidateScript({ $_ -gt 0 })]
            # Property mappings to populate. Scriptblock values will be passed the current index, constant values will pass through, and null values will prompt a query.
            [hashtable]$Properties = @{},
            # Extra properties to query for.
            [string[]]$QueryProperty = @()

    $ObjectProperties = @(
        $Properties.GetEnumerator().ForEach({ $_ })
        $QueryProperty | Where-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object {
                Key = $_
                Value = $null

    [array]$ValueData = foreach($Property in $ObjectProperties){
            Name = $Property.Key.ToString()
            Values = [array]@(foreach($Index in 0..($Count - 1)){
                if($null -eq $Property.Value){
                    Read-Host -Prompt $Property.Key
                } elseif($Property.Value -is [scriptblock]) {
                    $Index | ForEach-Object -Process $Property.Value
                } else {

    foreach($Index in 0..($Count - 1)){
        $Values = [ordered]@{}
        foreach($Entry in $ValueData){
            $Values[$Entry.Name] = $Entry.Values[$Index]