
function Get-CohesityObject {
        Gets a list of the protection sources objects filtered by the search string.
        Gets a list of the protection sources objects filtered by the search string.
        Published by Cohesity
        Get-CohesityObject -SearchString "test"
        Returns registered protection sources that match the sub-string 'test'.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # Specifies the sub-string for searching protection source objects.

    Begin {

    Process {
        $cohesityUrl = '/irisservices/api/v1/public/search/protectionSources?searchString=' + $SearchString
        $resp = Invoke-RestApi -Method Get -Uri $cohesityUrl
        if (200 -eq $Global:CohesityAPIStatus.StatusCode) {
            # tagging reponse for display format ( configured in Cohesity.format.ps1xml )
            @($resp | Add-Member -TypeName 'System.Object#ProtectionSourceObject' -PassThru)

    End {