
function New-CohesityUserGroup {
        Creates new user group.
        If an Active Directory domain is specified, a new group is added to the
        Cohesity Cluster for the specified Active Directory group principal.
        If the LOCAL domain is specified, a new group is created directly in
        the default LOCAL domain on the Cohesity Cluster.
        Returns the created or added group.
        Published by Cohesity
        New-CohesityUserGroup -Name user-group1
        New-CohesityUserGroup -Name user-group4 -Roles COHESITY_ADMIN -UserNames user1,user2

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # Specifies the name of the group.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        # Specifies the domain of the group.
        [string]$Domain = "LOCAL",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # Specifies the Cohesity roles to associate with the group such as 'Admin', 'Ops' or 'View'.
        # The Cohesity roles determine privileges on the Cohesity Cluster for all the users in this group.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        # Specifies a description of the group.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        # Specifies the name of users who are members of the group. This field is used only for local groups.

    Begin {

    Process {

        if (Get-CohesityUserGroup | where-object { $ -eq $Name }) {
            Write-Output "The user group name '$Name' already exists, try another name"
        foreach ($role in $Roles) {
            if (-not (Get-CohesityRole -Name $role)) {
                Write-Output "Could not find the given role '$role', please use the cmdlet 'Get-CohesityRole' to find the desired one."
        $userSIDs = $null
        foreach ($userName in $UserNames) {
            $userDetail = Get-CohesityUser -Names $userName
            if (-not $userDetail) {
                Write-Output "Could not find the given user '$userName', please use the cmdlet 'Get-CohesityUser' to find the desired one."
            if (-not $userSIDs) {
                $userSIDs = @()
            $userSIDs += $userDetail.Sid

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)) {
            $cohesityClusterURL = '/irisservices/api/v1/public/groups'
            $payload = @{
                description = $Description
                domain      = $Domain
                name        = $Name
                restricted  = $true
                roles       = $Roles
                users       = $userSIDs
            $payloadJson = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100
            $resp = Invoke-RestApi -Method Post -Uri $cohesityClusterURL -Body $payloadJson
            if ($resp) {
                # tagging reponse for display format ( configured in Cohesity.format.ps1xml )
                @($resp | Add-Member -TypeName 'System.Object#UserGroup' -PassThru)
            else {
                $errorMsg = "User group : Failed to create"
                Write-Output $errorMsg
                CSLog -Message $errorMsg

    End {