
function Add-CohesityViewForPrincipal {
        Specify the security identifier (SID) of the principal to grant access permissions for views.
        Add Views that the specified principal has permissions to access.
        Published by Cohesity
        Add-CohesityViewForPrincipal -PrincipalType "GROUP" -PrincipalName user-group1 -ViewNames view1, view2
        Add views view1 and view2 to grant access to user-group1
        Add-CohesityViewForPrincipal -PrincipalType "USER" -PrincipalName user1 -ViewNames view1, view2
        Add views view1 and view2 to grant access to user1
        Get-CohesityView -ViewNames view1,view2,view3 | Add-CohesityViewForPrincipal -PrincipalType USER -PrincipalName user1
        Piped view names to grant access to user1

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "DefaultParameters", SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("USER", "GROUP")]
        # Principal type "USER" or "GROUP" to differentiate between cohesity user and group.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # Principal name of "USER" or "GROUP" type.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "DefaultParameters")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "PipedViewObject")]
        # The view names to grant access for the principal.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "PipedViewObject", ValueFromPipeline = $true, DontShow = $true)]
        # Piped object for view.

    Begin {
        $pipedViewNames = @()

    Process {
        if ($PipedViews.Name) {
            $pipedViewNames += $PipedViews.Name

    End {

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($PrincipalName)) {
            switch ($PrincipalType) {
                "USER" {
                    $userDetail = Get-CohesityUser -Names $PrincipalName | where-object { $_.Username -eq $PrincipalName }
                    if (-not $userDetail) {
                        Write-Output "User '$PrincipalName' not found."
                    if ($userDetail.restricted -eq $false) {
                        $userDetail.restricted = $true
                        Set-CohesityUser -UserObject $userDetail -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
                "GROUP" {
                    $userGroupDetail = Get-CohesityUserGroup -Name $PrincipalName | where-object { $ -eq $PrincipalName }
                    if (-not $userGroupDetail) {
                        Write-Output "User group '$PrincipalName' not found."
                    if ($userGroupDetail.restricted -eq $false) {
                        $userGroupDetail.restricted = $true
                        Update-CohesityUserGroup -UserGroupObject $userGroupDetail -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
            $principalDetail = Get-CohesityProtectionSourceForPrincipal -PrincipalType $PrincipalType -PrincipalName $PrincipalName
            if (-not $principalDetail.Sid) {
                Write-Output "Not found '$PrincipalName' of principal type '$PrincipalType', please use 'Get-CohesityUser' or 'Get-CohesityUserGroup' to identify the desired one."
            $updatedProtectionSourceObjectIds = @()
            if ($principalDetail.ProtectionSources) {
                $updatedProtectionSourceObjectIds += @($principalDetail.ProtectionSources.Id)

            $updatedViewNames = @()
            if ($ViewNames) {
                $viewObjects = Get-CohesityView
                foreach ($viewName in $ViewNames) {
                    if ($viewObjects.Name -notcontains $viewName) {
                        Write-Output "View name '$viewName' not found"
                $updatedViewNames += $ViewNames
                if ($principalDetail.Views) {
                    $updatedViewNames += @($principalDetail.Views.Name)
            else {
                # we got the names in piped object
                if ($pipedViewNames.Count -eq 0) {
                    Write-Output "No views found through piped object."
                if ($principalDetail.Views) {
                    $updatedViewNames += @($principalDetail.Views.Name)
                $updatedViewNames += $pipedViewNames
            $cohesityClusterURL = '/irisservices/api/v1/public/principals/protectionSources'

            $sourcesForPrincipalObject = @{
                protectionSourceIds = $updatedProtectionSourceObjectIds
                sid                 = $principalDetail.Sid
                viewNames           = $updatedViewNames
            $payload = @{
                sourcesForPrincipals = @($sourcesForPrincipalObject)
            $payloadJson = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100
            Invoke-RestApi -Method Put -Uri $cohesityClusterURL -Body $payloadJson
            if (204 -eq $Global:CohesityAPIStatus.StatusCode) {
                @{Response = "Success"; Method = "Put"; }
            else {
                $errorMsg = $Global:CohesityAPIStatus.ErrorMessage + ", View permission : Failed to add"
                Write-Output $errorMsg
                CSLog -Message $errorMsg