
function Set-CohesityProtectionJob {
        Updates a protection job.
        Returns the updated protection job.
        Published by Cohesity
        $job = Get-CohesityProtectionJob -Names "jobnas"
        $ = "jobnas1"
        Set-CohesityProtectionJob -ProtectionJob $job
        Updates a protection job with the specified parameters, the object $job can also be piped.
        $job = Get-CohesityProtectionJob -Names "phy-file" -Environments KPhysicalFiles
        $job.sourceIds += 111165;
        $job | Set-CohesityProtectionJob;
        Updates a protection job (kPhysicalFiles) with a new physical server.
        $job = Get-CohesityProtectionJob -Names "phy-file" -Environments KPhysicalFiles
        $job.sourceIds = @(111165);
        $job | Set-CohesityProtectionJob;
        Protects a fresh list of physical servers for a job type (kPhysicalFiles).

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        # The updated protection job.

    Begin {

    Process {
        $protectionJobName = $ProtectionJob.Name

        # Check if the sourceId field is an array or not, if not convert it into array
        if ($ProtectionJob.sourceIds -is "int" -eq $True ) {
            $ProtectionJob.sourceIds = [int[]](($ProtectionJob.sourceIds -split ',') -ne '')

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($protectionJobName)) {
            if ($ProtectionJob.Environment -eq "kPhysicalFiles" -and -not $ProtectionJob.SourceSpecialParameters) {
                $job = Get-CohesityProtectionJob -Ids $ProtectionJob.Id
                if ($job) {
                    if ($job.SourceSpecialParameters) {
                        $newSourceIds = $ProtectionJob.SourceIds
                        $existingSourceIds = $job.SourceIds
                        $sourceSpecialParameterList = @()
                        foreach ($item in $newSourceIds) {
                            if ( -not ($existingSourceIds -contains $item)) {
                                # identify if its a valid source id
                                $newSourceDetail = Get-CohesityProtectionSource -Id $item
                                if (-not $newSourceDetail.physicalProtectionSource) {
                                    Write-Output "Invalid source id : $item"
                                # now you know the host type, go ahead and set the file path
                                $hostType = $newSourceDetail.physicalProtectionSource.hostType
                                $sourceSpecialParameter = [Cohesity.Model.SourceSpecialParameter]::new()
                                $sourceSpecialParameter.SourceId = $item
                                $sourceSpecialParameter.PhysicalSpecialParameters = [Cohesity.Model.PhysicalSpecialParameters]::new()
                                $sourceSpecialParameter.PhysicalSpecialParameters.FilePaths = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Cohesity.Model.FilePathParameters]'
                                if ($hostType -eq "kWindows") {
                                    $sourceSpecialParameter.PhysicalSpecialParameters.UsesSkipNestedVolumesVec = $true
                                    $filePath = [Cohesity.Model.FilePathParameters]::new("/C/")
                                if ($hostType -eq "kLinux") {
                                    $filePath = [Cohesity.Model.FilePathParameters]::new("/", $null, $true)
                                $sourceSpecialParameterList += $sourceSpecialParameter
                        $ProtectionJob.SourceSpecialParameters += $sourceSpecialParameterList
                        # cleanup the source special paramters for physical servers
                        $newSourceSpecial = @()
                        $newSourceSpecial += $ProtectionJob.SourceSpecialParameters | Where-Object {$newSourceIds -contains $_.sourceId}
                        $ProtectionJob.SourceSpecialParameters = $newSourceSpecial
            $url = '/irisservices/api/v1/public/protectionJobs/' + $ProtectionJob.Id
            $payloadJson = $ProtectionJob | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100
            $resp = Invoke-RestApi -Method Put -Uri $url -Body $payloadJson
            if ($resp) {
                # tagging reponse for display format ( configured in Cohesity.format.ps1xml )
                $resp | Add-Member -TypeName 'System.Object#ProtectionJob' -PassThru

    End {