
$CoinApis = @{
    "original" = ""
    "min-api" = ""
function ConvertFrom-UnixTime
    $Origin = [DateTime]"1/1/1970"
function ConvertTo-Symbol

    $Symbols.ToUpper() -join ','
function ConvertTo-UnixTime
    $Origin = [DateTime]"1/1/1970"
    [Math]::Floor(($TimeStamp - $Origin | Select-Object -ExpandProperty TotalSeconds))
function Invoke-CoinRestMethod
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("original", "min-api")]



        $ApiBase = $CoinApis.$Api
        $Splat = @{
            Uri = "{0}/{1}" -f $ApiBase, $Endpoint

        if ($Body)
            $Splat["Body"] = $Body

        # test that the response type value is greater than 100, if not, throw an error

        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Splat
        if ($Response.Response -eq "Error")

            throw $Response.Message
function New-ErrorRecord

    $Exception = New-Object -TypeName "System.$ExceptionType" -ArgumentList $Message
function Test-Timespan

    if ($Timespan.Ticks -lt 0)
        $Splat = @{
            ExceptionType = "InvalidOperationException"
            Message = "You specified a negative timespan! Make sure the beginning comes before the end."
            ErrorCategory = "InvalidArgument"

        $ErrorRecord = New-ErrorRecord @Splat
function Get-Coin
    $ListObject = Invoke-CoinRestMethod -Api "min-api" -Endpoint "all/coinlist"
    $Coins = $ListObject.Data.PSObject.Properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
    $Watched = $ListObject.DefaultWatchList.CoinIs -split ','

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("All"))
        $Coins | Select-Object -Property @{n="SortOrder"; e={[int]$_.SortOrder}},* -ExcludeProperty SortOrder
        $Coins | Where-Object Id -in $Watched | Select-Object -Property @{n = "SortOrder"; e = {[int]$_.SortOrder}},* -ExcludeProperty SortOrder
function Get-CoinPrice


    $Body = @{
        tsyms = ConvertTo-Symbol -Symbols $ToSymbols
        fsyms = ConvertTo-Symbol -Symbols $FromSymbols

    $Raw = Invoke-CoinRestMethod -Api "min-api" -Endpoint "pricemultifull" -Body $Body | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Raw

    foreach ($FromSymbol in $FromSymbols)
        foreach ($ToSymbol in $ToSymbols)
function Get-CoinPriceHistory


        [ValidateSet("Day", "Hour", "Minute")]
        $DataInterval = "Hour",

        $Aggregate = 1,

        $Since = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1),

        $Until = (Get-Date)
        $Timespan = $Until - $Since
        Test-Timespan -Timespan $Timespan

        $Splat = @{
            Api = "min-api"
            Body = @{
                tsym = ConvertTo-Symbol -Symbols $ToSymbol
                fsym = ConvertTo-Symbol -Symbols $FromSymbol
                toTs = ConvertTo-UnixTime -TimeStamp $Until
                aggregate = $Aggregate
        # how to validate that the timespan selected fits within the acceptable range for each endpoint?
        switch ($DataInterval)
                $Aggregate = [System.Math]::Min(30, $Aggregate)
                $Splat["Endpoint"] = "histoday"
                $Splat["Body"]["limit"] = [int]($Timespan.TotalDays / $Aggregate)
                # the histoday endpoint's aggregate parameter has a max value of 30
                $Splat["Body"]["aggregate"] = $Aggregate
                $Splat["Endpoint"] = "histohour"
                $Splat["Body"]["limit"] = [int]($Timespan.TotalHours / $Aggregate)
                $Splat["Endpoint"] = "histominute"
                $Splat["Body"]["limit"] = [int]($Timespan.TotalMinutes / $Aggregate)

        Invoke-CoinRestMethod @Splat |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Data |
            Select-Object -Property @{n="Time"; e={ConvertFrom-UnixTime $_.Time}},* -ExcludeProperty Time