
function Get-Coin {
    Retrieve one or multiple Cryprocurrencies information
    Retrieve one or multiple Cryprocurrencies information
    Specify the Cryptocurrency you want to retrieve
    Show the value in a fiat currency
    Show the CoinMarketCap to the coin specified
    Get-Coin -id bitcoin

    Retrieve the current Bitcoin information
    Get-Coin -convert EUR

    Retrieve all cryptocurrencies with EURO conversion.
    Get-Coin -id btc

    Retrieve the current Bitcoin information
    Get-Coin -id btc -convert eur

    Retrieve the current Bitcoin information with EURO conversion.
    Coin btc

    Retrieve the current Bitcoin information
    Coin btc -online

    Shows the CoinMarketCap page for Bitcoin

        [ValidateSet("AUD", "BRL", "CAD", "CHF", "CLP", "CNY",
            "CZK", "DKK", "EUR", "GBP", "HKD", "HUF", "IDR", "ILS",
            "INR", "JPY", "KRW", "MXN", "MYR", "NOK", "NZD", "PHP",
            "PKR", "PLN", "RUB", "SEK", "SGD", "THB", "TRY", "TWD",

    TRY {
        $FunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand

        Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Build Splatting"
        $Splat = @{
            Uri = ''

        if ($CoinID) {
            if ($Convert) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Coin '$CoinID' with Currency '$Convert'"
                $Splat.Uri = "$CoinID/?convert=$Convert"
                Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Uri '$($Splat.Uri)'"
            else {
                Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Coin '$CoinID'"
                $Splat.Uri = "$CoinID/"
                Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Uri '$($Splat.Uri)'"
        elseif ($Convert -and -not $CoinID) {
            Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Currency '$Convert'"
            $Splat.Uri = "$Convert"
            Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Uri '$($Splat.Uri)'"

        try {
            Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Querying API..."
            $Out = [pscustomobject](invoke-restmethod @splat -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable Result)
                Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Opening page"
                start-process -filepath "$CoinId/"
                Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Show Output"
                Write-Output $Out 
        catch {
            if ($_ -match 'id not found') {
                Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] did not find the CoinID '$CoinId', looking up for Symbol '$CoinId'..."
                if ($Convert) {
                    if ($Online) {
                        $Coins = Get-Coin -Convert $Convert | Where-Object {$_.Symbol -eq $CoinId}
                        start-process -filepath "$($"
                    else {
                        Get-Coin -Convert $Convert | Where-Object {$_.Symbol -eq $CoinId}
                else {
                        $Coins = Get-Coin | Where-Object {$_.Symbol -eq $CoinId}
                        start-process -filepath "$($"
                        Get-Coin | Where-Object {$_.Symbol -eq $CoinId}
            else {throw $_}
    CATCH {

function Get-CoinID {
    Retrieve cryptocurrencies ID, Name, Symbol and Rank
    Retrieve cryptocurrencies ID, Name, Symbol and Rank



    TRY {
        $FunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand

        Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Retrieving id, name, symbol and rank"
        Get-Coin |Select-Object -Property id, name, symbol, rank
    CATCH {

function Get-CoinGlobal {
    Retrieve cryptocurrencies ID, Name, Symbol and Rank
    Retrieve cryptocurrencies ID, Name, Symbol and Rank


        [ValidateSet("AUD", "BRL", "CAD", "CHF", "CLP", "CNY",
            "CZK", "DKK", "EUR", "GBP", "HKD", "HUF", "IDR", "ILS",
            "INR", "JPY", "KRW", "MXN", "MYR", "NOK", "NZD", "PHP",
            "PKR", "PLN", "RUB", "SEK", "SGD", "THB", "TRY", "TWD",

    TRY {
        $FunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand

        Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Build Splatting"
        $Splat = @{
            Uri = ''
        if ($Convert) {
            Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Currency '$Convert'"
            $Splat.Uri = "$Convert"
            Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Uri '$($Splat.Uri)'"

        Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Querying API..."
        [pscustomobject](invoke-restmethod @splat)
    CATCH {

function Get-CoinHistory {
    Retrieve history information on
    Retrieve one or multiple Cryprocurrencies information
    Specify the Cryptocurrency you want to retrieve.
    Default is Bitcoin
    Specify the beginning of the range
    Specify the end of the range
    Get-CoinHistory -Begin '20170101' -end '20171101'
    Get-CoinHistory -Begin '20170102' -End '20171001' -CoinId ethereum


        $CoinId = 'bitcoin',

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    TRY {
        $FunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand

        Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Build Splatting"
        $Splat = @{
            Uri = "$Coinid/historical-data/?start=$Begin&end=$End"

        # Helper function
        # Source: Lee Holmes -
        function Get-HTMLTable {
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
                [int] $TableNumber)

            ## Extract the tables out of the web request
            $tables = @($WebRequest.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName("TABLE"))
            $table = $tables[$TableNumber]
            $titles = @()
            $rows = @($table.Rows)
            ## Go through all of the rows in the table
            foreach ($row in $rows) {
                $cells = @($row.Cells)
                ## If we've found a table header, remember its titles
                if ($cells[0].tagName -eq "TH") {
                    $titles = @($cells | % { ("" + $_.InnerText).Trim() })

                ## If we haven't found any table headers, make up names "P1", "P2", etc.
                if (-not $titles) {
                    $titles = @(1..($cells.Count + 2) | ForEach-Object { "P$_" })
                ## Now go through the cells in the the row. For each, try to find the
                ## title that represents that column and create a hashtable mapping those
                ## titles to content

                $resultObject = [Ordered] @{}
                for ($counter = 0; $counter -lt $cells.Count; $counter++) {
                    $title = $titles[$counter]
                    if (-not $title) { continue }

                    $resultObject[$title] = ("" + $cells[$counter].InnerText).Trim()
                ## And finally cast that hashtable to a PSCustomObject
                [PSCustomObject] $resultObject

        Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Retrieving table..."
        $WebRequest = Invoke-WebRequest @Splat
        Get-HTMLTable -WebRequest $WebRequest -TableNumber 0
    CATCH {

# Export only the functions using PowerShell standard verb-noun naming.
# Be sure to list each exported functions in the FunctionsToExport field of the module manifest file.
# This improves performance of command discovery in PowerShell.
Export-ModuleMember -Function *-*