
    RootModule        = 'CommonTasks.psm1'
    ModuleVersion     = '0.10.0'
    GUID              = '63e8bf79-62d3-4249-8fe6-9a766fbe8481'
    Author            = 'DSC Community'
    CompanyName       = 'DSC Community'
    Copyright         = 'Copyright the DSC Community contributors. All rights reserved.'
    Description       = 'DSC composite resource for'
    PowerShellVersion = '5.1'
    FunctionsToExport = '*'
    CmdletsToExport   = '*'
    VariablesToExport = '*'
    AliasesToExport   = '*'

    PrivateData       = @{

        PSData = @{
            Prerelease   = 'preview0008'
            Tags         = @('DesiredStateConfiguration', 'DSC', 'DSCResource')
            LicenseUri   = ''
            ProjectUri   = ''
            IconUri      = ''
            ReleaseNotes = '## [0.10.0-preview0008] - 2023-07-27
### Added
- AddsDomainController:
  - add UnprotectFromAccidentalDeletion to allow dc promote if an existing AD computer account is protected
  - AllowPasswordReplication and DenyPasswordReplication Variables for RODCs
- AzureConnectedMachine:
  - Composite to install and configure the Azure Connected Machine Agent
- DhcpServerAuthorization:
  - new resource to authorize DHCP server in AD
- FailoverCluster:
  - add Networks support
  - add installation of required Windows Features
  - update documentation
- HyperVReplica
  - new resource to configure replication of Hyper-V virtual machines
- HyperVState
    - new resource to control state parameters of Hyper-V virtual machines
- RenameNetworkAdapters
    - Add composite to rename network adapters
    - Add documentation
### Changed
- Fixed Typo in AddsDomainController documentation
- DHCPServer:
  - fix EnableSecurityGroups if resource is not running on a domain controller
- HyperV:
  - remove unused code after migration to HyperVDsc
- Pipeline
  - Updated to latest Sampler files and update an vmImage reference to `ubuntu-latest`
- `WindowsOptionalFeatures` and `WindowsFeatures` are using the DSC resource in `xPSDesiredStateConfiguration` now.
- `CertificateRequests` supports multiple certificates with the same issuer and subject by making friendlyName a mandatory (key) parameter.
### Fixed
- Fixed bugs in ''DscTagging''
