Configuration SecurityBase { Param( [ValidateSet('Baseline', 'WebServer', 'FileServer')] [string]$Role ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration Import-DscResource -ModuleName ComputerManagementDsc Import-DscResource -ModuleName SecurityPolicyDsc #Baseline xWindowsFeature DisableSmbV1 { Name = 'FS-SMB1' Ensure = 'Absent' } PowerShellExecutionPolicy ExecutionPolicyAllSigned { ExecutionPolicyScope = 'LocalMachine' ExecutionPolicy = 'RemoteSigned' } UserRightsAssignment DenyLogonLocallyForAdministrator { Policy = 'Deny_log_on_locally' Identity = 'contoso\Administrator' } UserRightsAssignment AllowLogonLocally { Policy = 'Allow_log_on_locally' Identity = 'Administrators', 'Backup Operators' } #FileServer if ($Role -eq 'FileServer') { xRegistry LmCompatibilityLevel5 { Key = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa' ValueName = 'LmCompatibilityLevel' ValueData = 5 ValueType = 'Dword' Ensure = 'Present' Force = $true } SecurityOption SecOptions { Name = 'Web Server Secutiry options' Interactive_logon_Message_title_for_users_attempting_to_log_on = 'Secure File Server' Interactive_logon_Message_text_for_users_attempting_to_log_on = 'Your are logging on to a secure file server' Accounts_Rename_administrator_account = 'a' } } #Web Server if ($Role -eq 'WebServer') { xRegistry LmCompatibilityLevel4 { Key = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa' ValueName = 'LmCompatibilityLevel' ValueData = 4 ValueType = 'Dword' Ensure = 'Present' Force = $true } SecurityOption SecOptions { Name = 'Web Server Secutiry options' Interactive_logon_Message_title_for_users_attempting_to_log_on = 'Secure Web Server' Interactive_logon_Message_text_for_users_attempting_to_log_on = 'Your are logging on to a secure web server' Accounts_Rename_administrator_account = 'a' Network_security_LAN_Manager_authentication_level = 'Send NTLMv2 responses only. Refuse LM & NTLM' Network_security_Do_not_store_LAN_Manager_hash_value_on_next_password_change = 'Enabled' } } } |