
configuration WindowsEventForwarding
    Param (
        [ValidateSet( 'Collector', 'Source')]

        [Boolean]$FixWsManUrlAcl = $false,


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xWindowsEventForwarding
    if( $NodeType -eq 'Collector' )
        if( $null -eq $Subscriptions -or $Subscriptions.Count -lt 1 )
            throw 'ERROR: A Collector node requires at least one subscription definition.'

        if( $FixWsManUrlAcl -eq $true )
            # see KB4494462: Events are not forwarded if the collector is running Windows Server
            # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-server/admin-development/events-not-forwarded-by-windows-server-collector
            [string]$httpUrl   = 'http://+:5985/wsman/'
            [string]$httpsUrl  = 'https://+:5986/wsman/'
            [string]$newUrlAcl = 'D:(A;;GX;;;S-1-5-80-569256582-2953403351-2909559716-1301513147-412116970)(A;;GX;;;S-1-5-80-4059739203-877974739-1245631912-527174227-2996563517)'

            Script SetupWsManUrlAcl
                TestScript = 
                    [string]$http = netsh http show urlacl url=$using:httpUrl
                    if( ($http -match '\s*SDDL:\s*(?<sddl>.*)$') -eq $false -or $matches.sddl.Trim() -ne $using:newUrlAcl )
                        Write-Verbose "Fix urlacl of '$using:httpUrl' is required."
                        return $false

                    [string]$https = netsh http show urlacl url=$using:httpsUrl
                    if( ($https -match '\s*SDDL:\s*(?<sddl>.*)$') -eq $false -or $matches.sddl.Trim() -ne $using:newUrlAcl )
                        Write-Verbose "Fix urlacl of '$using:httpsUrl' is required."
                        return $false

                    Write-Verbose "Urlacl of '$using:httpUrl' and '$using:httpsUrl'' is valid."
                    return $true
                SetScript = 
                    netsh http delete urlacl url=$using:httpUrl
                    netsh http add urlacl url=$using:httpUrl sddl=$using:newUrlAcl
                    netsh http delete urlacl url=$using:httpsUrl
                    netsh http add urlacl url=$using:httpsUrl sddl=$using:newUrlAcl
                GetScript = { return 'NA' }   

        xWEFCollector wefCollector
            Ensure    = 'Present'
            Name      = 'WindowsEventCollector'

        foreach ($subscription in $Subscriptions)
            $subscription.DependsOn = '[xWEFCollector]wefCollector'

            $executionName = "wefsub_$($subscription.SubscriptionID -replace '[().:\s]', '')"
            (Get-DscSplattedResource -ResourceName xWEFSubscription  -ExecutionName $executionName -Properties $subscription -NoInvoke).Invoke($subscription)
    elseif( $NodeType -eq 'Source' )
        if( $null -ne $Subscriptions -and $Subscriptions.Count -gt 0 )
            throw 'ERROR: Subscription definitions are not supported on source nodes.'

        if( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($CollectorName) )
            throw 'ERROR: A CollectorName is required on source nodes.'

        Group addCollectorToLocalEventLogReadersGroup
            GroupName        = 'Event Log Readers'
            Ensure           = 'Present'
            MembersToInclude = "$CollectorName"