
function Invoke-ColorizedFileListing {
                Provides colorized file listing.
                This function is a replacement for Get-ChildItem when used to
                list files and folders, and adds colorization of file types
                as well as humanized dates and file sizes.
                Will list the contents of the current folder.
                Invoke-ColorizedFileListing c:\ -Force
                Will list all contents of c:\, including hidden files.
                Get-ChildItem c:\windows\*.log | Invoke-ColorizedFileListing
                Will list all log files in the c:\windows directory.
                Author: Øyvind Kallstad
                Version: 1.0
                Date: 31.08.2016
                Dependencies: PowerShellHumanizer

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Path')]
    param (
        # Path. Will be forwarded to Get-ChildItem. Default value is '.'
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Path', Position = 0)]
        [string] $Path = '.',
        # If Path is not used, you can pass in a FileSystemInfo object through the pipeline.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Object', ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [System.IO.FileSystemInfo[]] $FileSystemInfo,
        # Will also list hidden files. Will be forwarded to Get-ChildItem.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Path')]
        [switch] $Force,
        # Pause file listing if the results are longer than the window height.
        [switch] $Pause,
        # Show file owner.
        [switch] $ShowOwner,
        [switch] $ShowParentDirectory,
        # Files that match this filter will be highlighted in red.
        [string] $Highlight = [string]::Empty,

        # Show size on disk.
        [switch] $ShowSizeOnDisk
    BEGIN {
        # Colors
        $directoryColor = 'Yellow'
        $documentColor = 'Cyan'
        $executableColor = 'Magenta'
        $logColor = 'DarkCyan'
        $hiddenColor = 'DarkGray'
        $modeColor = 'Gray'
        $compressedColor = 'Green'
        $highlightColor = 'Red'
        $defaultColor = 'White'
        if (-not(Get-Module -Name 'PowerShellHumanizer' -ListAvailable -Verbose:$false)) {
            Write-Warning 'This function depends on the module PowerShellHumanizer.'
            Write-Warning 'Please run "Install-Module -Name PowerShellHumanizer -Scope CurrentUser" to install the missing module.'
        else {
            if (-not(Get-Module -Name 'PowerShellHumanizer')) {
                try {
                    Write-Verbose 'Importing PowerShellHumanizer'
                    Import-Module -Name 'PowerShellHumanizer' -Force
                catch {
                    Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
        # Since we need the window height for the pause function
        # it will only work when in the console.
        if (($host.Name -eq 'ConsoleHost') -and ($Pause)) {
            $windowHeight = [console]::WindowHeight
            $usableHeight = $windowHeight - 2
            $lines = 0
        foreach ($FileSystemInfoItem in $FileSystemInfo) {
            [array]$files += $FileSystemInfoItem
    END {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Path') {
            [array]$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Force:$Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($ShowParentDirectory) {
            Write-Host ''
            Write-Host " Directory: $(($files.Where({-not $_.PSIsContainer})[0]).DirectoryName)"
            Write-Host ''
        else {
            Write-Host ''
        foreach ($file in $files) {
            # Only supported for files and folders.
            if (-not ($file.PSProvider.Name -eq 'FileSystem')) {
            $fileOwner = [String]::Empty
            $fileSizeValue = [string]::Empty
            $fileSizeUnit = [string]::Empty
            $fileSizeOnDiskValue = [string]::Empty
            $fileSizeOnDiskUnit = [string]::Empty
            # File
            if (-not $file.PSIsContainer) {
                $fileSize = [Humanizer.ByteSizeExtensions]::bytes($file.Length).ToString(0.00)
                $fileSizeSplit = $fileSize.split(' ')
                $fileSizeUnit = ($fileSizeSplit[-1][0]).ToString()
                $fileSizeValue = $fileSizeSplit[0]

                if (($ShowSizeOnDisk) -and (-not $file.PSIsContainer)) {
                    $fileSizeOnDisk = [Humanizer.ByteSizeExtensions]::bytes($file.SizeOnDisk).ToString(0.00)
                    $fileSizeOnDiskSplit = $fileSizeOnDisk.split(' ')
                    $fileSizeOnDiskUnit = ($fileSizeOnDiskSplit[-1][0]).ToString()
                    $fileSizeOnDiskValue = $fileSizeOnDiskSplit[0]

                switch ($file.Extension) {
                    '.ps1'  {$color = $executableColor}
                    '.exe'  {$color = $executableColor}
                    '.cmd'  {$color = $executableColor}
                    '.com'  {$color = $executableColor}
                    '.bat'  {$color = $executableColor}
                    '.vbs'  {$color = $executableColor}
                    '.log'  {$color = $logColor}
                    '.txt'  {$color = $documentColor}
                    '.doc'  {$color = $documentColor}
                    '.docx' {$color = $documentColor}
                    '.zip'  {$color = $compressedColor}
                    '.7z'   {$color = $compressedColor}
                    '.rar'  {$color = $compressedColor}
                    '.tar'  {$color = $compressedColor}
                    DEFAULT {$color = $defaultColor}
            # Directory
            else {
                $color = $directoryColor
            # If file is hidden, overwrite the color with the color for hidden files.
            if ($file.Attributes.HasFlag([System.IO.FileAttributes]::Hidden)) {
                $color = $hiddenColor
            else {
                try {
                    if ($ShowOwner) {
                        $fileOwner = ((Get-Acl -Path $file.FullName).Owner).Split('\')[-1]
                catch {} # if this doesn't work, just silently ignore it.
            $lastWriteTimeHumanized = $file.LastWriteTime.Humanize()
            $lastWriteTimeHumanizedSplit = $lastWriteTimeHumanized.split(' ')
            if ($lastWriteTimeHumanizedSplit.count -eq 3) {
                $timeNumber = $lastWriteTimeHumanizedSplit[0]
                $timeUnit = $lastWriteTimeHumanizedSplit[1]
                if (($timeNumber -eq 'an') -or ($timeNumber -eq 'one') -or ($timeNumber -eq 'a')) {
                    $timeNumber = '1'
            # Highligh
            if ($Highlight) {
                if ($file.Name -like $Highlight) {
                    $color = $highlightColor
            # Write output
            Write-Host "$($file.Mode)" -ForegroundColor $modeColor -NoNewline
            if ($ShowOwner) {
                Write-Host " $($fileOwner.PadRight(17,' ')) " -NoNewline
            Write-Host " $($timeNumber.PadLeft(3, ' ')) $($timeUnit.PadRight(8, ' ')) $($fileSizeValue.PadLeft(5,' ')) $($fileSizeUnit.PadRight(3,' '))" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $defaultColor
            if ($ShowSizeOnDisk) {
                Write-Host "$($fileSizeOnDiskValue.PadLeft(5, ' ')) $($fileSizeOnDiskUnit.PadRight(3,' '))" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $modeColor
            Write-Host "$($file.Name)" -ForegroundColor $color
            if (($host.Name -eq 'ConsoleHost') -and ($Pause)) {
                if ($lines -eq $usableHeight) {
                    Write-Host ''
                    Write-Host 'Press any key to continue ...' -NoNewline
                    $x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
                    Write-Host ''
                    $lines = 0
        Write-Host ''

New-Alias -Name 'c' -Value 'Invoke-ColorizedFileListing' -Force