
function Get-Intersection {
            Get the intersection of two sets.
            In mathematics, the intersection A ∩ B of two sets A and B is the set that
            contains all elements of A that also belong to B, but no other elements.
            Get-Intersection (1,10,2,1) (1,2,3)
            Get-Intersection 'John' 'Ronny'
            Get-Intersection 'Jon' 'jon' -CaseSensitive
            Author: Øyvind Kallstad
            Date: 14.02.2016
            Version: 1.0
            Dependencies: Get-TypeName

    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)]

        # Makes string intersection case sensitive.
        [switch] $CaseSensitive

    try {
        # if sets are strings, convert to array of chars
        if ($Set1 -is [string]) {
            if (-not($CaseSensitive)) {
                $Set1 = $Set1.ToLowerInvariant()
            $Set1 = $Set1.ToCharArray()
        if ($Set2 -is [string]) {
            if (-not($CaseSensitive)) {
                $Set2 = $Set2.ToLowerInvariant()
            $Set2 = $Set2.ToCharArray()

        # check that the sets are arrays
        if (-not($set1.GetType().IsArray) -or -not($Set2.GetType().IsArray)) {
            Write-Warning 'Oops! Input must be arrays!'

        # get the types of the elements in the sets
        $arrayTypesSet1 = Get-TypeName $Set1
        $arrayTypesSet2 = Get-TypeName $Set2

        # check that the sets do not contain mixed types
        if (($arrayTypesSet1 -is [array]) -and ($arrayTypesSet2 -is [array])) {
            Write-Warning 'Oops! One, or both, of the sets contain mixed types!'

        # check that the sets contain the same type
        if ($arrayTypesSet1 -ne $arrayTypesSet2) {
            Write-Warning 'Oops! The two sets contain different types!'

        # create hash sets
        $hashSet1 = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[$arrayTypesSet1] (,($set1 -as "$arrayTypesSet1[]"))
        $hashSet2 = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[$arrayTypesSet2] (,($set2 -as "$arrayTypesSet2[]"))

        # get the union between them

        # convert hashset to array and write output to pipeline
        $outputArray = New-Object -TypeName "$arrayTypesSet1[]" ($hashSet1.Count)
        Write-Output $outputArray

    catch {
        Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message