
    Main controller function to invoke one or multiple cleanup functions included in this module.
    Invoke-ComputerCleanup -Days 30 -UserTemp -SystemTemp -CleanManager -SoftwareDistribution -RecycleBin
    Will do the following:
        - Run the Windows Disk Cleanup tool
        - Remove temp files in User profiles that are older than 30 days old.
        - Remove temp files in system that are older than 30 days old.
        - Clean the "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Downloads" folder.
        - Empty Recycle Bin.
    Author: Tom de Leeuw
    Website: /

function Invoke-ComputerCleanup {
    param (
        # Only remove files and folders older than $Days old.
        # This does NOT apply for parameters: -BrowserCache, -TeamsCache, -SoftwareDistribution, -FontCache
        [int] $Days = 30,

        # Runs the Windows Disk Cleanup tool with predefined options.
        [switch] $CleanManager,

        # Removes common system-wide temporary files and folders older than $Days old.
        [switch] $SystemTemp,

        # Clears the "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Downloads" folder.
        [switch] $SoftwareDistribution,

        # Clears user font cache files located in "C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\"
        [switch] $FontCache,

        # Clears browser cache files for all users.
        # Browsers: Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox.
        # WARNING: This will stop ALL running browser processes. Running outside of working hours is advised.
        [switch] $BrowserCache,

        # Clears Microsoft Teams cache files for all users.
        # WARNING: This will stop ALL running Teams processes. Running outside of working hours is advised.
        [switch] $TeamsCache,

        # Enabling this parameter will skip confirmation for parameters -Teams and -BrowserCache.
        # WARNING: Please use with caution!
        [switch] $Force,

        # Removes common temporary files and folders older than $Days days old from user profiles.
        [switch] $UserTemp,

        # Removes .ZIP, .RAR and .7z (default) files larger than (default) 500MB and more than $Days days old from users' downloads folder.
        [switch] $UserDownloads,

        # List of filetypes to remove when parameter "-UserDownloads" is used. Default: .ZIP, .RAR, .7z, .ISO.
        [array] $ArchiveTypes = @('zip', 'rar', '7z', 'iso'),

        # Clears the Windows Recycle Bin
        [switch] $RecycleBin,

        # E-mail report settings
        [switch] $MailReport,
        [string] $SmtpServer,
        [int]    $SmtpPort,
        [string] $FromAddress,
        [string] $ToAddress

    begin {
        $InformationPreference = 'Continue'

        # Start logging
        Start-Logging -LogName 'ComputerCleanup'

        # Verify if running as Administrator

        # Start timer
        $StopWatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()

        # Get disk space for comparison afterwards
        $Before = Get-DiskSpace

        # Initialize hashtables/arrays for reporting
        $script:CleanupReport = [ordered]@{}
        $ParamReport          = [ordered]@{}
        $RiskyParamReport     = [ordered]@{}

    process {
        # Report (cleanup) parameter information to console
        switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) {
            'Days' {
                $ParamReport.Days = "Files older than $Days days will be removed. This DOES NOT apply to options 'Teams'!"
            'CleanManager' {
                $ParamReport.CleanManager = "Runs the Windows Disk Cleanup tool with predefined options."
            'SystemTemp' {
                $ParamReport.SystemTemp = "Removes common system-wide temporary files and folders older than $Days old."
            'UserTemp' {
                $ParamReport.UserTemp = "Removes common temporary files and folders older than $Days days old from user profiles."
            'UserDownloads' {
                $ParamReport.UserDownloads = "Removes .ZIP, .RAR and .7z (default) files larger than (default) 500MB and older than $Days days old from users' downloads folder."
                $RiskyParamReport.UserDownloads = "This will remove users' personal files! Please make sure they are informed."
            'SoftwareDistribution' {
                $ParamReport.SoftwareDistribution = "Cleans the 'C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download' folder."
            'FontCache' {
                $ParamReport.FontCache = "Removes font cache files in 'C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\'"
            'TeamsCache' {
                $ParamReport.TeamsCache      = "Clears Microsoft Teams cache files for all users."
                $RiskyParamReport.TeamsCache = "This will stop ALL running Teams processes. Running outside of working hours is advised."
            'BrowserCache' {
                $ParamReport.BrowserCache      = "Clears cache files for all browsers."
                $RiskyParamReport.BrowserCache = "This will stop ALL running browser processes. Running outside of working hours is advised."
            'RecycleBin' {
                $ParamReport.RecycleBin = "Clears the Windows Recycle Bin"

        if (($PSBoundParameters.Keys).Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Output ''.PadLeft(76, '-')
            Write-Output "=== SCRIPT OPTIONS SUMMARY:" 
            # Report normal parameters
            $ParamReport.keys | Select-Object @{l='Parameter';e={$_}},@{l='Description';e={$ParamReport.$_}} | Format-Table

            # Report risky parameters
            if (($RiskyParamReport.Count -gt 0) -and (-not ($Force)) ) {
                Write-Warning "Some commands are dangerous to execute on a live environment. Please review:" 
                $RiskyParamReport.keys | Select-Object @{l='Parameter';e={$_}},@{l='Warning';e={$RiskyParamReport.$_}} | Format-Table
            Write-Output ''.PadLeft(76, '-')

        if ( -not ($Force)) {
            # Prompt for user verification before continuing
            Get-UserConfirmation -PromptMessage "Are you sure you want to run the cleanup with above settings? [Y/N]"

        if ($CleanManager -eq $true) {
            try {
                Write-Output '=== STARTED : Windows Disk Cleanup (this may take a while)'
                Write-Output '=== FINISHED: Windows Disk Cleanup'
            catch {
                Write-Error $_

        if ($UserTemp -eq $true) {
            $UserParams = @{
                Days = $Days
            $UserParams.TempFiles = $true
            if ($UserDownloads -eq $true) {
                $UserParams.Downloads    = $true
                $UserParams.ArchiveFiles = $true

            Write-Output '=== STARTED : Cleaning User Profiles'
            Optimize-UserProfiles @UserParams
            Write-Output '=== FINISHED: Cleaning User Profiles'

        if ($SystemTemp -eq $true) {
            $SystemParams = @{
                Days      = $Days
                TempFiles = $true

            Write-Output '=== STARTED : Cleaning System files'
            Optimize-SystemFiles @SystemParams
            Write-Output '=== FINISHED: Cleaning System files'

        if ($SoftwareDistribution -eq $true) {
            Write-Output '=== STARTED : Cleaning SoftwareDistribution Download folder'
            Write-Output '=== FINISHED: Cleaning SoftwareDistribution Download folder'

        if ($FontCache -eq $true) {
            Write-Output '=== STARTED : Cleaning Font Cache'
            Write-Output '=== FINISHED: Cleaning Cleaning Font Cache'

        if ($TeamsCache-eq $true) {
            $TeamsParams = @{}
            if ($Force -eq $true) {
                $TeamsParams.Force = $true

            Write-Output '=== STARTED : Cleaning Teams cache'
            Clear-TeamsCache @TeamsParams
            Write-Output '=== FINISHED: Cleaning Teams cache'

        if ($BrowserCache -eq $true) {
            $BrowserParams = @{}
            if ($Force -eq $true) {
                $BrowserParams.Force = $true

            Write-Output '=== STARTED : Cleaning Browser Cache'
            Clear-BrowserCache @BrowserParams
            Write-Output '=== FINISHED: Cleaning Browser Cache'

        if ($RecycleBin -eq $true) {
            Write-Output '=== STARTED : Cleaning Recycle Bin'
            Optimize-SystemFiles $Days -RecycleBin 
            Write-Output '=== FINISHED: Cleaning Recycle Bin'

        New-CleanupReport -Name "TOTAL"
        $After        = Get-DiskSpace

        # Stop timer

        # Make data readable
        $script:SpaceBefore  = "$(($Before.FreeSpace).ToString()) GB"
        $script:SpaceAfter   = "$(($After.FreeSpace).ToString()) GB"
        $script:TotalCleaned = "$(($After.FreeSpace - $Before.FreeSpace).ToString('00.00')) GB"
        $script:TotalSeconds = "$((($StopWatch.Elapsed).TotalSeconds).ToString('00.00')) sec"
        $script:TotalMinutes = "$((($StopWatch.Elapsed).TotalMinutes).ToString('00')) min"

        # Reporting
        Write-Output ''.PadLeft(76, '-')
        Write-Output '=== SCRIPT FINISHED'
        Write-Output "Current Time : $(Get-Date | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DateTime)"
        Write-Output "Elapsed Time : $script:TotalSeconds / $script:TotalMinutes"
        Write-Output "Free space BEFORE : $($script:SpaceBefore)"
        Write-Output "Free space AFTER : $($script:SpaceAfter)"
        Write-Output "TOTAL space cleaned: $script:TotalCleaned"
        Write-Output ''.PadLeft(76, '-')
        Write-Output '=== PER-SECTION BREAKDOWN'
        Write-Output ''.PadLeft(76, '-')
    } # end Process

    end {
        # Stop logging

        if ($MailReport -eq $true) {
            $MailBody = New-HtmlCleanupReport

            $MailParams = @{
                SmtpServer  = $SmtpServer
                Port        = $SmtpPort
                From        = $FromAddress
                To          = $ToAddress
                Subject     = "$([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($env:ComputerName).HostName) - Disk Cleanup report"
                Body        = $MailBody
                BodyAsHtml  = $true
                Attachments = $script:LogFile

            Write-Verbose "Sending e-mail report to $($MailParams.To)"
            Send-MailMessage @MailParams -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
    } # end End