
.VERSION 1.0.0
.GUID 0d920405-2238-4ab5-871a-995e9baa0e28
.AUTHOR Microsoft Corporation
.COMPANYNAME Microsoft Corporation
.COPYRIGHT (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
.TAGS DSCConfiguration
.LICENSEURI https://github.com/PowerShell/ComputerManagementDsc/blob/master/LICENSE
.PROJECTURI https://github.com/PowerShell/ComputerManagementDsc
.RELEASENOTES First version.
.PRIVATEDATA 2016-Datacenter,2016-Datacenter-Server-Core

#Requires -module ComputerManagementDsc

        This example sets the timezone of the node to Tonga Standard Time
        and then allows the LCM node to reboot the node only if System
        Center Configuration Manager requires a reboot. No other reboot
        trigger will cause the LCM to reboot the node.

Configuration PendingReboot_ConfigMgrReboot_Config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName ComputerManagementDsc

    Node localhost
        TimeZone TimeZoneExample
            IsSingleInstance = 'Yes'
            TimeZone         = 'Tonga Standard Time'

        PendingReboot ConfigMgrReboot
            Name                        = 'ConfigMgr'
            SkipComponentBasedServicing = $true
            SkipWindowsUpdate           = $true
            SkipPendingFileRename       = $true
            SkipPendingComputerRename   = $true
            SkipCcmClientSDK            = $false