
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrieveSettingValue = Getting information for the specified Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point.
    APNotInstalled = Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point is not installed on server: {0}.
    TestSetting = Setting {0} expected value: {1} returned {2}.
    APAbsent = {0} Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point expected absent returned present.
    TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}.
    ScheduleNoSync = When specifying a schedule, the EnableSynchronization paramater must be true.
    CertMismatch = When specifying a certificate, you can't specify RemoveCertificate as true.
    SiteServerRole = {0} is not currently a site system server adding site system role.
    NullCertCheck = Expected no certificate file to be configured, but detected that one is currently configured on {0}.
    ScheduleItem = Schedule item {0} expected {1} returned {2}.
    AddAPRole = Adding Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point role to {0}.
    SettingValue = Setting value: {0} to {1}.
    RemoveCert = Removing configured certificate file for site server {0}.
    RemoveAPRole = Removing Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point role from {0}.
    NoSchedule = Expected Schedule to be set to None.
    CurrentSchedule = Current Schedule is set to none, desired: {0} {1}.
    SetNoSchedule = Setting schedule to none.
    SetSchedule = Setting schedule to {0} {1}.
    RoleInstalled = SiteServerName parameter will be ignored, since role is already installed.
    ServerNameAdd = Role is not installed, need to specify SiteServerName to add.
    ServerNameRemove = Role is installed, need to specify SiteServerName to remove.