
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrieveSettingValue = Getting results for Configuration Manager system discovery method.
    ExpectedADContainer = Expected AD Container: {0} to be present.
    ExcludeADContainer = Expected AD Container: {0} to be absent.
    IntervalCount = Invalid parameter usage specifying an Interval and didn't specify count.
    SIntervalTest = NOT MATCH: Schedule interval expected: {0} returned {1}.
    SCountTest = NOT MATCH: Schedule count expected: {0} returned {1}.
    TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}.
    TestDisabled = Expected System Discovery to be set to disabled returned enabled.
    SetCommonSettings = Setting {0} to desired setting {1}.
    SIntervalSet = Setting Schedule interval to {0}.
    SCountSet = Setting Schedule count to {0}.
    AddADContainer = Adding AD Container: {0}.
    RemoveADContainer = Removing AD Container: {0}.
    SetDisabled = Setting System Discovery to disabled.
    MissingDeltaDiscovery = When changing delta schedule, delta schedule must be enabled.
    ADIgnore = ADContainers was specified, ADContainersInclude and ADContainersExclude will be ignored.
    ContainersInEx = ADContainersToExclude and ADContainersToInclude contain to same entry {0}, remove from one of the arrays.
    DeltaNoInterval = DeltaDiscoveryMins is not specified, specify DeltaDiscoveryMins when enabling Delta Discovery.