
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrieveSettingValue = Getting results for Configuration Manager administrative user.
    TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}.
    AddAdmin = Expected {0} to be present but is absent.
    RolesMissing = The following roles are missing {0}.
    RolesRemove = The following roles need to be removed {0}.
    ScopesMissing = The following scopes are missing {0}.
    ScopesRemove = The following scopes need to be removed {0}.
    CollectionsMissing = The following collections are missing {0}.
    CollectionsRemove = The following collections need to be removed {0}.
    RemoveAdmin = Expected {0} to be absent but is present.
    RolesIgnore = Roles is set, ignoring RolesToInclude and RolesToExclude settings.
    ScopesIgnore = Scopes is set, ignoring ScopesToInclude and ScopesToExclude settings.
    CollectionsIgnore = Collections is set, ignoring CollectionsToInclude and CollectionsToExclude settings.
    ValidRole = When administrative user does not exist, at least 1 valid role must be specified.
    ErrorMsg = {0} was not added as is not a valid {1}.
    AllParam = Unable to add the All scopes setting via Desired State Configuration, All can be used for new account only.
    RemoveAll = Unable to remove the All scope via Desired State Configuration.
    ModifyAll = Unable to modify scope with Desired State Configuration as it is currently set to All.
    RolesInEx = RolesToExclude and RolesToInclude contain to same entry {0}, remove from one of the arrays.
    ScopesInEx = ScopesToExclude and ScopesToInclude contain to same entry {0}, remove from one of the arrays.
    CollectionsInEx = CollectionsToExclude and CollectionsToInclude contain to same {0}, remove from one of the arrays.