
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrieveSettingValue = Getting results for Configuration Manager collection.
    MissingLimiting = Collection does not exist and no LimitingCollectionName has been specified.
    CollectionAbsent = {0} collection is missing expected present.
    CollectionType = Desired collection type is {0} and currently is {1}, if specified collection type is correct the collection will need deleted prior to creating a new collection.
    RuleConflict = Input for IncludeMembership and ExcludeMembership contain the same entry {0}.
    ExcludeError = Exclude rule name {0} already exists as a rule name for another query on the collection, rule names must be unique per collection.
    ExcludeMemberRule = {0} collection expected Exclude membership rule {1} to be present.
    DirectMemberRule = {0} collection expected Direct membership rule {1} to be present.
    IncludeError = Include rule name {0} already exists as a rule name for another query on the collection rule names must be unique per collection.
    IncludeMemberRule = {0} collection expected Include membership rule {1} to be present.
    QueryRule = {0} collection expected Query rule {1} to be present.
    RemoveCollection = Expected {0} to be absent.
    TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}.
    DirectConflict = DirectMembership contains the ResourceID {0} and Name {1} for the same resource.
    InvalidId = Unable to find object with resource ID {0}.
    CollectionCreate = {0} collection is missing, creating collection.
    CollectionSetting = {0} collection expected {1} to be "{2}" returned "{3}".
    NewSchedule = Modifying collection schedule.
    ExcludeNonAdd = Collection {0} does not exist and can not be added to exclude membership.
    IncludeNonAdd = Collection {0} does not exist and can not be added to include membership.
    DirectNonAdd = {0} does not exist and can not be added to as direct membership.