
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrieveSettingValue = Getting results for Configuration Manager Distribution Points.
    DPNotInstalled = Distribution Point role is not installed on server: {0}.
    SettingsNotEval = The Distribution Point already exists the following settings will not be evaluated: MinimumFreeSpaceMB, Primary Secondary ContentLibraryLocation and PackageShareLocations, and CertificateExpirationTimeUTC.
    BoundaryGroupMissing = NOMATCH: Currently missing boundary group: {0}.
    BoundaryGroupExtra = NOMATCH: Unwanted boundary group is present: {0}.
    DPAbsent = NOMATCH: {0} Distribution Point expected absent returned present.
    TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}.
    SiteServerRole = {0} is not currently a site system server adding site system role.
    AddDPRole = Adding distribution point role to {0}.
    SettingValue = Setting value: {0} to {1}.
    BoundaryGroupAdd = Adding boundary group {0}.
    BoundaryGroupRemove = Removing boundary group {0}.
    RemoveDPRole = Removing distribution point role from {0}.
    InvalidPriOrSecLetter = Primary and Secondary Library or Package locations must be a character A - Z.
    SecAndNoPrimary = Must specify the assoicated primary location when a secondary location is specified.
    BoundaryGroupAbsent = Unable to find Boundary group {0} in Configuration Manager.