
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrieveSettingValue = Getting results for Configuration Manager maintenance task.
    TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}.
    TestDisabled = {0} currently is enabled and should be disabled.
    Days = {0} expected {1} to be selected.
    MissingBackupLoc = No BackupLocation specified and no default value exists.
    SettingSummaryTask = {0} setting enabled with run interval of {1}.
    SpecifiedParam = Specified parameter {0} does not apply.
    BeginTime = Setting begin time to {0}.
    EndTime = Setting end time to {0}.
    SetBackupLocation = Setting backup location to {0}.
    SetDeleteOlderThan = Setting DeleteOlderThan to {0}.
    SetDisabled = {0} setting to disabled.
    PrimaryOnly = The task specified {0} only applies to a Primary Site Server.
    CasOnly = The task specified {0} only applies to Centeral Administrative Site (CAS) Site Server.