
[ClassVersion("1.0.0"), FriendlyName("CMUserDiscovery")]
class DSC_CMUserDiscovery : OMI_BaseResource
    [Key, Description("Specifies the SiteCode for the Configuration Manager site.")] String SiteCode;
    [Key, Description("Specifies the enablement of the User Discovery method.")] Boolean Enabled;
    [Write, Description("Indicates whether Configuration Manager discovers resources created or modified in AD DS since the last discovery cycle.")] Boolean EnableDeltaDiscovery;
    [Write, Description("Specifies the number of minutes for the delta discovery.")] UInt32 DeltaDiscoveryMins;
    [Write, Description("Specifies an array of names of Active Directory containers to match to the discovery.")] String ADContainers[];
    [Write, Description("Specifies an array of names of Active Directory containers to add to the discovery.")] String ADContainersToInclude[];
    [Write, Description("Specifies an array of names of Active Directory containers to exclude to the discovery.")] String ADContainersToExclude[];
    [Write, Description("Specifies the time when the scheduled event recurs."), ValueMap{"None","Days","Hours","Minutes"}, Values{"None","Days","Hours","Minutes"}] String ScheduleInterval;
    [Write, Description("Specifies how often the recur interval is run.")] UInt32 ScheduleCount;