
function Get-WikiLabelApplied {
    Search for a label and get results of where it has been applied.

    View pages, blogposts, etc. with the specified label. Optionally filter by space.
    Leverages the Confluence Query Language against the /search resource.

    Get-WikiLabelApplied -Label blue -Limit 50 -Verbose
    Search all content for anything with the "blue" label.
    Results returned will be 50 instead of 25. Verbose flag active.

    Get-WikiSpace -Name Nintendo | Get-WikiLabelApplied -Label Mario
    For each space matching the name *Nintendo*, find child content labeled "Mario."
    This method pipes the key of the matching space(s) into the -SpaceKey parameter.


    param (
        # Name the label to filter by.
        # Currently accepts only one label; input is not case sensitive.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # Optionally filter results by space key. Accepts pipeline input.
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
                   ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        # Defaults to 25 max results; can be modified here.

    BEGIN {
        If (!($Header) -or !($BaseURI)) {
            Write-Warning 'Confluence instance info not yet defined in this session. Calling Set-WikiInfo'

        $URI = $BaseURI + "/content/search"

        Write-Verbose 'Building URI based on parameters selected'
        If (($SpaceKey) -and ($Limit)) {
            $URI = $URI + "?cql=space=$SpaceKey%20AND%20label=$Label&limit=$Limit"
        } ElseIf ($SpaceKey) {
            $URI = $URI + "?cql=space=$SpaceKey%20AND%20label=$Label"
        } ElseIf ($Limit) {
            $URI = $URI + "?cql=label=$Label&limit=$Limit"
        } Else {
            $URI = $URI + "?cql=label=$Label"

        Write-Verbose "Fetching info from $URI"
        $Rest = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Header -Uri $URI -Method Get | Select -ExpandProperty Results

        # Hashing everything because I don't like the lower case property names from the REST call
        $Rest | Sort Title | Select @{n='ID';    e={$}},
                                    @{n='Title'; e={$_.title}},
                                    @{n='Type';  e={$_.type}}