
function New-WikiLabel {
    Add a new global label to an existing Confluence page.

    Add one or more labels to one or more Confluence pages. Label can be brand new.

    New-WikiLabel -Label alpha,bravo,charlie -PageID 123456 -Verbose
    Apply the labels alpha, bravo, and charlie to the page with ID 123456. Verbose output.

    Get-WikiPage -SpaceKey SRV | New-WikiLabel -Label servers -WhatIf
    Would apply the label "servers" to all pages in the space with key SRV. -WhatIf flag supported.


    param (
        # One or more labels to be added. Currently supports labels of prefix "global."
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # The page ID to apply the label to. Accepts multiple IDs via pipeline input.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   ValueFromPipeline = $true,
                   ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

    BEGIN {
        If (!($Header) -or !($BaseURI)) {
            Write-Warning 'Confluence instance info not yet defined in this session. Calling Set-WikiInfo'

        # Set both of these for use inside the ForEach
        $Int = 0
        $Body = @()
        ForEach ($SingleLabel in $Label) {
            # If not the first loop, add a comma to separate previous
            If ($Int -gt 0) {
                $Body += ','

            $Body += @{prefix = 'global'
                       name   = "$SingleLabel"
                      } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress


        $Body = '[' + $Body + ']'

        $URI = $BaseURI + "/content/$PageID/label"

        Write-Verbose "Posting to $URI"
        If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Label $Label, PageID $PageID")) {
            $Rest = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Header -Uri $URI -Body $Body -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json'

            # Hashing everything because I don't like the lower case property names from the REST call
            ForEach ($Result in $Rest.results) {
                $Result | Select @{n='Label';   e={$}},
                                 @{n='LabelID'; e={$}},
                                 @{n='Prefix';  e={$_.prefix}},
                                 @{n='PageID';  e={$PageID}}