
    Interact with your Confluence wiki environments from PowerShell. Create,
    get, edit, and/or delete many pages at once.
    Extensive help is available for all cmdlets:
    Get-Help Get-ConfluencePage -Full
    Confluence is a wiki product from Atlassian. ConfluencePS was introduced to
    solve two problems:
    1. Making it fast and easy to perform bulk operations on many pages 2.
    Automating documentation updates, to reduce stale information
    ConfluencePS interacts with Confluence's REST API, which is the only way to
    interact with Atlassian Cloud instances, and will be the only supported
    method for Server installations in the future.
    Import-Module ConfluencePS
    Set-ConfluenceInfo -BaseURI 'https://mywiki.company.com' -PromptCredentials
    Unless supplying the credentials (`-Credential $cred`), you will be prompted
    for a username/password to connect to your wiki instance.
    `Set-ConfluenceInfo` sets defaults in your current session for common
    parameters `-ApiUri` and `-Credential`. This saves you from entering the
    info into each command, while retaining the ability to override them if you
    manage multiple instances.
    To view all spaces visible to your authentication, run the following
    To view all pages in a specific space, you can do that two ways:
    Get-ConfluencePage -SpaceKey Demo
    # General pipeline operations are also supported
    Get-ConfluenceSpace -SpaceKey Demo | Get-Page
    To view all available details on a returned object, use cmdlets like
    Get-ConfluencePage -Title 'Test Page' | Format-List *
    1. Making it easy to perform the same change on many wiki pages
    To apply a new label to all pages matching specified criteria:
    Get-ConfluencePage -Title '*Azure*' | Add-ConfluenceLabel -Label azure
    To delete pages with the label "test":
    Get-ConfluencePage -Label test | Remove-ConfluencePage -WhatIf
    Use -WhatIf first to be sure only intended pages will be affected, then run
    the command again without the -WhatIf parameter.
    2. Automating documentation updates
    My use case involved wanting a page for each VM with up-to-date specs and
    purpose, because the whole team did not have access to the VM management environment.
    To accomplish this, assume there is a nightly script that pulls the
    following VM info and stores it in a CSV (or database/whatever):
    Name, IP, Dept, Purpose
    That script also populates a TXT file with names of VMs whose values changed
    in the last 24 hours.
    With this info, you can have another nightly script connect to the wiki
    instance, see if anything has changed, and update pages accordingly with
    something like the following:
    $CSV = Import-Csv .\vmlist.csv
    ForEach ($VM in (Get-Content .\changes.txt)) {
        $Table = $CSV | Where Name -eq $VM | ConvertTo-ConfluenceTable | Out-String
        $Body = $Table | ConvertTo-ConfluenceStorageFormat
        If ($ID = (Get-ConfluencePage -Title "$($VM.Name)").ID) {
            # Current page found. Overwrite the body (will be tracked in version history)
            Set-ConfluencePage -PageID $ID -ParentID 123456 -Body $Body
        } Else {
            # No existing page found. Create it
            New-ConfluencePage -Title "$($VM.Name)" -Body $Body -ParentID 123456
    You'll want more error-handling, and probably more stuff on your wiki page.
    But that's the basic idea :)
    This project is run by the volunteer organization AtlassianPS. We are always
    interested in hearing from new users! Find us on GitHub or Slack, and let us
    know what you think.
    ConfluencePS on Github: https://github.com/AtlassianPS/ConfluencePS
    Confluence's REST API documentation: https://docs.atlassian.com/atlassian-confluence/REST/latest/
    AtlassianPS org: https://atlassianps.org
    AtlassianPS Slack team: https://atlassianps.org/slack
    - Confluence
- Atlassian
- Wiki