
    module for connect-o365
    Authentication functions
    General notes

       Retrieve credentials using the UI and store these in a file in the userprofile\creds folder
       the credentials are also returned.
       Set-myCreds -UserName

    $script:MSG_Cred = 'Please enter the Tenant Admin or Service Admin password'
    $script:MSG_CredCancel = 'No password entered or user canceled'
    function Set-myCreds {
    Param (
            # The Account or Username
            [Alias("Username")]  # Backward compat with v1.6.7 and older
        $Credential = Get-Credential -Account $Account -Message $Script:MSG_Cred
        if ($Credential) { 
            $Store = "$env:USERPROFILE\creds\$Account.txt"
            MkDir "$env:USERPROFILE\Creds" -ea 0 | Out-Null
            $Credential.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Set-Content $store
            Write-Verbose "Saved credentials to $store"
        } else {
            write-warning $script:MSG_CredCancel
        return $Credential 
       Test if credentials for a specific username are stored in the \creds folder
       if ( Test-MyCreds -UserName ) { "credentials found" }

    function Test-myCreds {
            # The Account or Username
            [Alias("Username")]  # Backward compat with v1.6.7 and older
        $Store = "$env:USERPROFILE\creds\$Account.txt"
        return (Test-Path $store)
       retrieve credentials
       -Persist indicates that the credentials should be saved
       -Force indicates that the password should be re-entered by the user
       # retrieve the stored credentials, if not present just prompt for the password
       Get-MyCreds -UserName
       # store the credentials for future re-use, overwrites any existing credentials
       Get-MyCreds -UserName -persist

       Short description
       Long description
       Example of how to use this cmdlet
       Another example of how to use this cmdlet

    function Get-myCreds {
            # The Account or Username
            [Alias("Username")]  # Backward compat with v1.6.7 and older
            # Persist username and password
            [switch] $Persist
        $Store = "$env:USERPROFILE\creds\$Account.txt"
        if ( (Test-Path $store) -AND  $Persist -eq $false  ) {
            #use a stored password if found , unless -persist/-force is used to ask for and store a new password
            Write-Verbose "Retrieved credentials from $store"
            $Password = Get-Content $store | ConvertTo-SecureString
            $Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($Account,$Password)
            return $Credential
        } else {
            if ($persist -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Account)) {
                WRITE-VERBOSE 'Ask and store new credentials'
                $admincredentials  = Set-myCreds $Account
                return $admincredentials
            } else {
                WRITE-VERBOSE 'Ask for credentials'
                return Get-Credential -Credential $Account 

       Retrieves credentials that are stored either in the \creds folder, or in the windows storedcredentials
       Windows stored credentials depend on an external module to be in installed (CredentialManager)
        RetrieveCredentials -account
        RetrieveCredentials -account -persist
        #retrieve a credentian using a alias from the credential manager
        RetrieveCredentials -account Production

    function RetrieveCredentials {
            # The Account or Username
        $admincredentials = $null
        #if credentials are stored in the filestore
        if (test-myCreds  $account) {
            write-verbose 'Find credentials from credential folder'
            $admincredentials = Get-myCreds $account -Persist:$Persist 
        } else { 

            #check if the credentialmanager module is installed
            $CM = get-module credentialmanager -ListAvailable | select -Last 1
            if ($cm -ne $null -and $CM.Version -eq "2.0") {
                write-verbose 'Find credentials stored in the credential manager'
                #Find the credentials stored in the credential manager
                #check match on target name
                $stored = Get-StoredCredential -Type GENERIC -Target  $account -AsCredentialObject| select -First 1
                #otherwise check on username
                if ($stored -eq $null) {
                    write-verbose 'Find credentials based on user name'
                    $credentials = Get-StoredCredential -Type GENERIC -AsCredentialObject
                    #work around pipeline constraints in get-stored
                    $credentials = $credentials | where { $_.UserName -like '?*@?*' -and $_.Type -eq 'GENERIC'} | select -Property UserName, TargetName, Type, TargetAlias, Comment
                    $stored = $credentials | where {$_.UserName-ieq $account} | select -First 1
                if ($persist) {
                    write-verbose 'Asking for a new password'
                    #if -Persist is specified we need to ask for a new password and update the stored password
                    if ($stored) { $name= $stored.Username } else { $name=$account}
                    $newCred = Get-Credential -UserName $name -Message $Script:MSG_Cred
                    if ($newCred -eq $null) {
                        write-warning $script:MSG_CredCancel
                    } else {
                        if ($stored) {
                            write-verbose 'Update existing Stored Credential'
                            $stored = New-StoredCredential -Comment "Connect-O365" -Password $newCred.GetNetworkCredential().Password -Persist ENTERPRISE -Target $stored.TargetName -Type GENERIC -UserName $newcred.UserName 
                        } else {
                            write-verbose 'Create New Stored Credential'
                            $stored = New-StoredCredential -Comment "Connect-O365" -Password $newCred.GetNetworkCredential().Password -Persist ENTERPRISE -Target $newcred.UserName -Type GENERIC -UserName $newcred.UserName 
                #If a stored cred was found
                if ($stored -ne $null) {
                    write-verbose "Retrieving Target : $($stored.Targetname)"
                    $admincredentials = Get-StoredCredential -Target $stored.Targetname -Type 'GENERIC'
                } else {
                    #If not found, and if no -Persist then old fashioned
                    write-verbose "Ask for credential"
                    $admincredentials = Get-Credential -UserName $Account -Message $Script:MSG_Cred 
        #write-verbose "Cred : $($admincredentials.UserName)" -Verbose
        return $admincredentials