
Function Get-CWAAProxy{

        Clear-Variable CustomProxyObject,LTSI,LTSS -EA 0 -WhatIf:$False -Confirm:$False #Clearing Variables for use
        Write-Debug "Starting $($myInvocation.InvocationName) at line $(LINENUM)"
        Write-Verbose "Discovering Proxy Settings used by the LT Agent."

        Try {
            $LTSI=Get-CWAAInfo -EA 0 -WA 0 -Verbose:$False -WhatIf:$False -Confirm:$False -Debug:$False
            If ($Null -ne $LTSI -and ($LTSI|Get-Member|Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'ServerPassword'})) {
                $LTSS=Get-CWAASettings -EA 0 -Verbose:$False -WA 0 -Debug:$False
                If ($Null -ne $LTSS) {
                    If (($LTSS|Get-Member|Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'ProxyServerURL'}) -and ($($LTSS|Select-Object -Expand ProxyServerURL -EA 0) -Match 'https?://.+')) {
                        Write-Debug "Line $(LINENUM): Proxy Detected. Setting ProxyServerURL to $($LTSS|Select-Object -Expand ProxyServerURL -EA 0)"
                        $Script:LTProxy.ProxyServerURL="$($LTSS|Select-Object -Expand ProxyServerURL -EA 0)"
                    } Else {
                        Write-Debug "Line $(LINENUM): Setting ProxyServerURL to "
                    if ($Script:LTProxy.Enabled -eq $True -and ($LTSS|Get-Member|Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'ProxyUsername'}) -and ($LTSS|Select-Object -Expand ProxyUsername -EA 0)) {
                        $Script:LTProxy.ProxyUsername="$(ConvertFrom-CWAASecurity -InputString "$($LTSS|Select-Object -Expand ProxyUsername -EA 0)" -Key ("$($Script:LTServiceKeys.PasswordString)",''))"
                        Write-Debug "Line $(LINENUM): Setting ProxyUsername to $($Script:LTProxy.ProxyUsername)"
                    } Else {
                        Write-Debug "Line $(LINENUM): Setting ProxyUsername to "
                    If ($Script:LTProxy.Enabled -eq $True -and ($LTSS|Get-Member|Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'ProxyPassword'}) -and ($LTSS|Select-Object -Expand ProxyPassword -EA 0)) {
                        $Script:LTProxy.ProxyPassword="$(ConvertFrom-CWAASecurity -InputString "$($LTSS|Select-Object -Expand ProxyPassword -EA 0)" -Key ("$($Script:LTServiceKeys.PasswordString)",''))"
                        Write-Debug "Line $(LINENUM): Setting ProxyPassword to $($Script:LTProxy.ProxyPassword)"
                    } Else {
                        Write-Debug "Line $(LINENUM): Setting ProxyPassword to "
            } Else {
                Write-Verbose "No Server password or settings exist. No Proxy information will be available."
            Write-Error "ERROR: Line $(LINENUM): There was a problem retrieving Proxy Information. $($Error[0])"

        Write-Debug "Exiting $($myInvocation.InvocationName) at line $(LINENUM)"
        return $Script:LTProxy