
    This function disabled the on premies distribution list - removing it from azure ad and exchange online.
    This function disabled the on premies distribution list - removing it from azure ad and exchange online.
    .PARAMETER parameterSet
    These are the parameters that will be manually cleared from the object in AD mode.
    The DN of the contact to remove.
    .PARAMETER GlobalCatalog
    The global catalog server the operation should be performed on.
    .PARAMETER UseExchange
    If set to true disablement will occur using the exchange on premises powershell commands.
    No return.
    Get-ADObjectConfiguration -powershellsessionname NAME -contactSMTPAddress Address

    Function Disable-Originalcontact

            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        #Declare function variables.

        $functioncontactConfiguration=$NULL #Holds the return information for the contact query.

        #Start function processing.

        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
        Out-LogFile -string "BEGIN Disable-originalContactConfiguration"
        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

        #Log the parameters and variables for the function.

        Out-LogFile -string ("originalContactConfiguration = "+$originalContactConfiguration)
        Out-LogFile -string ("GlobalCatalogServer = "+$globalCatalogServer)
        out-logfile -string ("DN of object to modify / disable "+$originalContactConfiguration.distinguishedName)

        OUt-LogFile -string ("Parameter Set:")
        foreach ($parameterIncluded in $parameterSet)
            Out-Logfile -string $parameterIncluded

        #Get the contact using LDAP / AD providers.
            set-adObject -identity $originalContactConfiguration.distinguishedName -server $globalCatalogServer -clear $parameterSet -credential $adCredential

            Out-LogFile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE

        Out-LogFile -string "END Disable-originalContactConfiguration"
        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"