
    This function add a character to the contact name if exchange hybrid is enabled (allows for the dynamic contact creation.)
    This function add a character to the contact name if exchange hybrid is enabled (allows for the dynamic contact creation.)
    .PARAMETER GlobalCatalogServer
    The global catalog to make the query against.
    The original DN of the object.
    .PARAMETER contactName
    The name of the contact from the original configuration.
    .PARAMETER contactSamAccountName
    The original DN of the object.
    set-newcontactName -contactConfiguration contactConfiguration -globalCatalogServer globalCatalogServer

    Function set-newcontactName

            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        #Declare function variables.

        [string]$functioncontactName=$NULL #Holds the calculated name.
        [string]$functioncontactSAMAccountName=$NULL #Holds the calculated sam account name.

        #Start function processing.

        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"
        Out-LogFile -string "BEGIN SET-NEWcontactNAME"
        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"

        #Log the parameters and variables for the function.

        Out-LogFile -string ("GlobalCatalogServer = "+$globalCatalogServer)
        OUt-LogFile -string ("contactName = "+$contactName)
        out-logfile -string ("contactSamAccontName = "+$contactSAMAccountName)
        out-logfile -string ("DN = "+$dn)

        #Establish new names

        [string]$functioncontactName = $contactName+"!"
        [string]$functioncontactSAMAccountName = $contactSAMAccountName+"!"

        out-logfile -string ("New contact name = "+$functioncontactName)
        out-logfile -string ("New contact sam account name = "+$functioncontactSAMAccountName)
        #Get the specific user using ad providers.

            out-logfile -string "Setting the new contact name.."

            rename-adobject -identity $dn -newName $functioncontactName -server $globalCatalogServer -credential $adCredential
            Out-LogFile -string $_ -isError:$true  

        Out-LogFile -string "END Set-NewcontactName"
        Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************"