.SYNOPSIS This function tests each accepted domain on the contact to ensure it appears in Office 365. .DESCRIPTION This function tests each accepted domain on the contact to ensure it appears in Office 365. .EXAMPLE Test-AcceptedDomain -originalContactConfiguration $originalContactConfiguration #> Function Test-AcceptedDomain { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $originalContactConfiguration ) #Define variables that will be utilzed in the function. [array]$originalcontactAddresses=@() [array]$originalcontactDomainNames=@() #Initiate the test. Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" Out-LogFile -string "BEGIN Test-AcceptedDomain" Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" foreach ($address in $originalContactConfiguration.proxyAddresses) { if ($address -ne $originalContactConfiguration.targetAddress) { Out-logfile -string "Testing proxy address for SMTP" out-logfile -string $address if ($address -like "smtp*") { out-logfile -string ("Address is smtp address: "+$address) $tempAddress=$address.split("@") $originalcontactDomainNames+=$tempAddress[1] } else { out-logfile -string ("Address is not an SMTP Address - skip.") } } else { out-logfile -string "Address matches external address - skip." } } $originalcontactDomainNames=$originalcontactDomainNames | select-object -Unique out-logfile -string "Unique domain names on the contact." out-logfile -string $originalcontactDomainNames foreach ($domain in $originalcontactDomainNames) { out-logfile -string "Testing Office 365 for Domain Name." if (get-o365acceptedDomain -identity $domain) { out-logfile -string ("Domain exists in Office 365. "+$domain) } else { out-logfile -string $domain out-logfile -string "contact cannot be migrated until the domain is an accepted domain in Office 365 or removed from the contact." out-logfile -string "Email address exists on contact that is not in Office 365." -isError:$TRUE } } Out-LogFile -string "END Test-AcceptedDomain" Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" } |