.SYNOPSIS This function tests if the recipient is found in Office 365. .DESCRIPTION This function tests to ensure a recipient is found in Office 365. .PARAMETER recipientSMTPAddress The address of the recipient to look for. .PARAMETER externalDirectoryObjectID The external directory objectID of the object. .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE test-O365Recipient -recipientSMTPAddress address test-O365Recipient -externalDirectoryObjectID #> Function Test-O365Recipient { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $member ) #Declare local variables. [array]$functionDirectoryObjectID=@() [string]$isTestError="No" #Start function processing. Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" Out-LogFile -string "BEGIN TEST-O365RECIPIENT" Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" if (($member.externalDirectoryObjectID -ne $NULL) -and ($member.recipientOrUser -eq "Recipient")) { out-LogFile -string "Testing based on External Directory Object ID" out-logfile -string $member.ExternalDirectoryObjectID out-logfile -string $member.recipientOrUser #Modify the external directory object id. $functionDirectoryObjectID=$member.externalDirectoryObjectID.Split("_") out-logfile -string $functionDirectoryObjectID[1] try { get-exoRecipient -identity $functionDirectoryObjectID[1] -errorAction STOP $isTestError="No" } catch { out-logfile -string ("The recipient was not found in Office 365. ERROR --"+$functionDirectoryObjectID[1] ) out-logFile -string $_ $isTestError="Yes" } } elseif (($member.PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN -ne $NULL) -and ($member.recipientoruser -eq "Recipient")) { out-LogFile -string "Testing based on Primary SMTP Address" out-logfile -string $member.PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN out-logfile -string $member.recipientOrUser try { get-exoRecipient -identity $member.PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN -errorAction Stop $isTestError="No" } catch { out-logfile -string ("The recipient was not found in Office 365. ERROR -- "+$member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN) out-logfile -string $_ $isTestError="Yes" } } elseif (($member.ExternalDirectoryObjectID -ne $NULL) -and ($member.recipientoruser -eq "User")) { out-LogFile -string "Testing based on external directory object ID." out-logfile -string $member.externalDirectoryObjectID out-logfile -string $member.recipientOrUser #Modify the external directory object id. $functionDirectoryObjectID=$member.externalDirectoryObjectID.Split("_") out-logfile -string $functionDirectoryObjectID[1] try { get-o365User -identity $functionDirectoryObjectID[1] -errorAction STOP $isTestError="No" } catch { out-logfile -string ("The recipient was not found in Office 365. ERROR --"+$functionDirectoryObjectID[1] ) out-logFile -string $_ $isTestError="Yes" } } elseif (($member.PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN -ne $NULL) -and ($member.recipientoruser -eq "User")) { out-LogFile -string "Testing based on user principal name." out-logfile -string $member.PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN out-logfile -string $member.recipientOrUser try { get-o365User -identity $member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN -errorAction STOP $isTestError="No" } catch { out-logfile -string ("The recipient was not found in Office 365. ERROR -- "+$member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN) out-logfile -string $_ $isTestError="Yes" } } else { out-logfile -string "An invalid object was passed to test-o365recipient - failing." -isError:$TRUE } Out-LogFile -string "END TEST-O365RECIPIENT" Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" return $isTestError } |