.SYNOPSIS This function utilizes a distinguished domain to calculate an active directory domain name. .DESCRIPTION This function converts a distinguished name into active directory domain name. .PARAMETER DN The DN of the object to pass to normalize. .OUTPUTS The FQDN of the active directory domain. .EXAMPLE Get-activeDirectoryDomainName -dn $DN .CREDITS Credit to the following website - code adapted from this location. #> Function get-activeDirectoryDomainName { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$DN ) #Declare function variables. [array]$functionSplitDomainName=@() [string]$functionCombinedDomainName="" #Start function processing. Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" Out-LogFile -string "BEGIN GET-ActiveDirectoryDomainName" Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" #Log the parameters and variables for the function. out-logfile -string ("DN to convert: "+$DN) Out-LogFile -string "Converting the distringuished name." $functionSplitDomainName = $dn -Split "," | ? {$_ -like "DC=*"} foreach ($component in $functionSplitDomainName) { out-logfile -string $component } $functionCombinedDomainName = $functionSplitDomainName -join "." -replace ("DC=", "") out-logfile -string ("The FQDN of the object based on DN: "+$functionCombinedDomainName) Out-LogFile -string "END GET-ActiveDirectoryDomainName" Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" #This function is designed to open local and remote powershell sessions. #If the session requires import - for example exchange - return the session for later work. #If not no return is required. return $functionCombinedDomainName } |