.SYNOPSIS This function sets the multi valued attributes of the contact .DESCRIPTION This function sets the multi valued attributes of the contact. For each of use - I've combined these into a single function instead of splitting them out.dddd .PARAMETER originalContactConfiguration The original configuration of the contact on premises. .PARAMETER exchangecontactMembership The array of members of the contact. .PARAMETER exchangeRejectMessages The array of objects with reject message permissions. .PARAMETER exchangeAcceptMessages The array of users with accept message permissions. .PARAMETER exchangeManagedBy The array of objects with managedBY permissions. .PARAMETER exchangeModeratedBy The array of moderators. .PARAMETER exchangeBypassModeration The list of users / contacts that have bypass moderation rights. .PARAMETER exchangeFrantSendOnBehalfTo The list of objecst that have grant send on behalf to rights. .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE set-Office365contactMV -originalContactConfiguration -exchangecontactMembership -exchangeRejectMessage -exchangeAcceptMessage -exchangeManagedBy -exchangeModeratedBy -exchangeBypassMOderation -exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfTo. [array$exchangecontactMembershipSMTP=$NULL [array]$exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP=$NULL [array]$exchangeAcceptMessageSMTP=$NULL [array]$exchangeManagedBySMTP=$NULL [array]$exchangeModeratedBySMTP= [array]$exchangeBypassModerationSMTP=$NULL [array]$exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP #> Function set-Office365contactMV { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $originalContactConfiguration, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $office365contactConfiguration, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [array]$exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP=$NULL, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [array]$exchangeAcceptMessageSMTP=$NULL, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [array]$exchangeModeratedBySMTP=$NULL, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [array]$exchangeBypassModerationSMTP=$NULL, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [array]$exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP=$NULL, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $office365contactConfigurationPostMigration, [Parameter(Mandatory=$TRUE)] $mailOnMicrosoftComDomain, [Parameter(Mandatory=$TRUE)] $allowNonSyncedcontact=$FALSE ) #Declare function variables. [array]$functionDirectoryObjectID = $NULL $functionEmailAddress = $NULL [boolean]$routingAddressIsPresent=$FALSE [string]$hybridRemoteRoutingAddress=$NULL [int]$functionLoopCounter=0 [boolean]$functionFirstRun=$TRUE [array]$functionRecipients=@() [array]$functionEmailAddresses=@() [string]$functionMail="" [string]$functionMailNickname="" [string]$functionExternalDirectoryObjectID = "" [boolean]$isTestError=$false [array]$functionErrors=@() #Start function processing. Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" Out-LogFile -string "BEGIN SET-Office365contactMV" Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" #Log the parameters and variables for the function. Out-LogFile -string ("originalContactConfiguration = ") out-logfile -string $originalContactConfiguration out-logfile -string ("Office 365 contact Configuration:") out-logfile -string $office365contactConfiguration out-logfile -string ("Office 365 contact Configuration Post Migration") out-logfile -string $office365contactConfigurationPostMigration out-logfile -string "Resetting all SMTP addresses on the object to match on premises." foreach ($address in $originalContactConfiguration.proxyAddresses) { if ($address.contains("")) { out-logfile -string ("Hybrid remote routing address found.") out-logfile -string $address $routingAddressIsPresent=$TRUE } out-logfile -string $address $functionEmailAddresses+=$address.tostring() } foreach ($address in $office365contactConfiguration.emailAddresses) { if ($address.contains("")) { out-logfile -string ("Hybrid remote routing address found.") out-logfile -string $address $routingAddressIsPresent=$TRUE } out-logfile -string $address $functionEmailAddresses+=$address.tostring() } $functionEmailAddresses = $functionEmailAddresses | select-object -unique out-logfile -string $functionEmailAddresses $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID = $office365contactConfigurationPostMigration.externalDirectoryObjectID out-logfile -string "External directory object ID utilized for set commands:" out-logfile -string $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID if ($originalContactConfiguration.mailNickName -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string "Mail nickname present on premsies -> using this value." $functionMailNickName = $originalContactConfiguration.mailNickName out-logfile -string $functionMailNickName } else { out-logfile -string "Mail nickname not present on premises -> using Office 365 value." $functionMailNickName = $office365contactConfiguration.alias out-logfile -string $functionMailNickName } #With the new temp contact logic - the fast deletion and then immediately moving into set operations sometimes caused cache collisions. #This caused the following bulk logic to fail - then the individual set logics would also fail. #This left us with the temp contact without any actual SMTP addresses. #New logic - try / sleep 10 times then try the individuals. $maxRetries = 0 Do { try { $isTestError=$FALSE out-logfile -string ("Max retry attempt: "+$maxRetries.toString()) set-o365MailContact -identity $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID -emailAddresses $functionEmailAddresses -errorAction STOP $maxRetries = 10 #The previous set was successful - so immediately bail. } catch { out-logfile -string "Error bulk updating email addresses on distribution contact." out-logfile -string $_ $isTestError=$TRUE out-logfile -string "Starting 10 second sleep before trying bulk update." start-sleep -s 10 $maxRetries = $maxRetries+1 } } while($maxRetries -lt 10) if ($isTestError -eq $TRUE) { out-logfile -string "Attempting SMTP address updates per address." out-logfile -string "Establishing contact primary SMTP Address." try { set-o365MailContact -identity $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID -primarySMTPAddress $originalContactConfiguration.mail -errorAction STOP } catch { out-logfile -string "Error establishing new contact primary SMTP Address." out-logfile -string $_ $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{ PrimarySMTPAddressorUPN = $originalContactConfiguration.mail ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $originalContactConfiguration.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId' Alias = $functionMailNickName Name = $ Attribute = "Cloud Proxy Addresses" ErrorMessage = ("Unable to set cloud distribution contact primary SMTP address to match on-premsies mail address.") ErrorMessageDetail = $_ } out-logfile -string $isErrorObject $functionErrors+=$isErrorObject } foreach ($address in $functionEmailAddresses) { out-logfile -string ("Processing address: "+$address) try{ set-o365MailContact -identity $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID -emailAddresses @{add=$address} -errorAction STOP } catch{ out-logfile -string ("Error processing address: "+$address) out-logfile -string $_ $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{ PrimarySMTPAddressorUPN = $originalContactConfiguration.mail ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $originalContactConfiguration.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId' Alias = $functionMailNickName Name = $ Attribute = "Cloud Proxy Addresses" ErrorMessage = ("Address "+$address+" could not be added to new cloud distribution contact. Manual addition required.") ErrorMessageDetail = $_ } out-logfile -string $isErrorObject $functionErrors+=$isErrorObject } } } #Operation set complete - reset isError. $isTestError=$FALSE if ($originalContactConfiguration.legacyExchangeDN -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string "Processing on premises legacy ExchangeDN to X500" out-logfile -string $originalContactConfiguration.legacyExchangeDN $functionEmailAddress = "X500:"+$originalContactConfiguration.legacyExchangeDN out-logfile -string ("The x500 address to process = "+$functionEmailAddress) try { set-o365MailContact -identity $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID -emailAddresses @{add=$functionEmailAddress} -errorAction STOP } catch { out-logfile -string ("Error processing address: "+$functionEmailAddress) out-logfile -string $_ $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{ PrimarySMTPAddressorUPN = $originalContactConfiguration.mail ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $originalContactConfiguration.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId' Alias = $functionMailNickName Name = $ Attribute = "Cloud Proxy Addresses" ErrorMessage = ("Address "+$functionEmailAddress+" could not be added to new cloud distribution contact. Manual addition required.") ErrorMessageDetail = $_ } out-logfile -string $isErrorObject $functionErrors+=$isErrorObject } } if ($allowNonSyncedcontact -eq $FALSE) { out-logfile -string "Processing original cloud legacy ExchangeDN to X500" out-logfile -string $office365contactConfiguration.legacyExchangeDN $functionEmailAddress = "X500:"+$office365contactConfiguration.legacyExchangeDN out-logfile -string ("The x500 address to process = "+$functionEmailAddress) try { set-o365MailContact -identity $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID -emailAddresses @{add=$functionEmailAddress} -errorAction STOP } catch { out-logfile -string ("Error processing address: "+$functionEmailAddress) out-logfile -string $_ $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{ PrimarySMTPAddressorUPN = $originalContactConfiguration.mail ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $originalContactConfiguration.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId' Alias = $functionMailNickName Name = $ Attribute = "Cloud Proxy Addresses" ErrorMessage = ("Address "+$functionEmailAddress+" could not be added to new cloud distribution contact. Manual addition required.") ErrorMessageDetail = $_ } out-logfile -string $isErrorObject $functionErrors+=$isErrorObject } } if ($routingAddressIsPresent -eq $FALSE) { out-logfile -string "A hybrid remote routing address was not present. Adding hybrid remote routing address." $hybridRemoteRoutingAddress=$functionMailNickName+"@"+$mailOnMicrosoftComDomain out-logfile -string ("Hybrid remote routing address = "+$hybridRemoteRoutingAddress) try { set-o365MailContact -identity $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID -emailAddresses @{add=$hybridRemoteRoutingAddress} -errorAction STOP } catch { out-logfile -string ("Error processing address: "+$hybridRemoteRoutingAddress) out-logfile -string $_ $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{ PrimarySMTPAddressorUPN = $originalContactConfiguration.mail ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $originalContactConfiguration.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId' Alias = $functionMailNickName Name = $ Attribute = "Cloud Proxy Addresses" ErrorMessage = ("Address "+$hybridRemoteRoutingAddress+" could not be added to new cloud distribution contact. Manual addition required.") ErrorMessageDetail = $_ } out-logfile -string $isErrorObject $functionErrors+=$isErrorObject } } $isTestError=$FALSE #Resetting error trigger. $functionRecipients=@() #Reset the test array. out-logFile -string "Evaluating exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP" if ($exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP -ne $NULL) { foreach ($member in $exchangeRejectMessagesSMTP) { #Implement some protections for larger operations to ensure we do not exhaust our powershell budget. if ($member.externalDirectoryObjectID -ne $NULL) { out-LogFile -string ("Processing member = "+$member.externalDirectoryObjectID) $functionDirectoryObjectID=$member.externalDirectoryObjectID.Split("_") out-LogFile -string ("Processing updated member = "+$functionDirectoryObjectID[1]) $functionRecipients+=$functionDirectoryObjectID[1] } elseif ($member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN -ne $NULL) { out-LogFile -string ("Processing member = "+$member.PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN) $functionRecipients+=$member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN } else { out-logfile -string "Invalid function object for recipient." -isError:$TRUE } } #Becuase contacts could have been mirgated and retained - this ensures that all SMTP addresses and GUIDs in the array are unique. $functionRecipients = $functionRecipients | select-object -Unique out-logfile -string "Updating reject messages SMTP with unique values." out-logfile -string $functionRecipients try { set-o365MailContact -identity $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID -RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers $functionRecipients -errorAction STOP } catch { out-logfile -string "Error bulk updating RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers" out-logfile -string $_ $isTestError=$TRUE } if ($isTestError -eq $TRUE) { out-logfile -string "Attempting individual update of RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers" foreach ($recipient in $functionRecipients) { out-logfile -string ("Attempting to add recipient: "+$recipient) try { set-o365MailContact -identity $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID -RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers @{Add=$recipient} -errorAction STOP } catch { out-logfile -string ("Error procesing recipient: "+$recipient) out-logfile -string $_ $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{ PrimarySMTPAddressorUPN = $originalContactConfiguration.mail ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $originalContactConfiguration.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId' Alias = $functionMailNickName Name = $ Attribute = "Cloud Distribution contact RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers" ErrorMessage = ("Member of RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers "+$recipient+" unable to add to cloud distribution contact. Manual addition required.") ErrorMessageDetail = $_ } out-logfile -string $isErrorObject $functionErrors+=$isErrorObject } } } } else { Out-LogFile -string "There were no members to process." } $isTestError = $FALSE #Reset error tracker. $functionRecipients=@() #Reset the test array. out-logFile -string "Evaluating exchangeAcceptMessagesSMTP" if ($exchangeAcceptMessageSMTP -ne $NULL) { foreach ($member in $exchangeAcceptMessageSMTP) { #Implement some protections for larger operations to ensure we do not exhaust our powershell budget. if ($member.externalDirectoryObjectID -ne $NULL) { out-LogFile -string ("Processing member = "+$member.externalDirectoryObjectID) $functionDirectoryObjectID=$member.externalDirectoryObjectID.Split("_") out-LogFile -string ("Processing updated member = "+$functionDirectoryObjectID[1]) $functionRecipients+=$functionDirectoryObjectID[1] } elseif ($member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN -ne $NULL) { out-LogFile -string ("Processing member = "+$member.PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN) $functionRecipients+=$member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN } else { out-logfile -string "Invalid function object for recipient." -isError:$TRUE } } #Becuase contacts could have been mirgated and retained - this ensures that all SMTP addresses and GUIDs in the array are unique. $functionRecipients = $functionRecipients | select-object -Unique out-logfile -string "Updating accept messages SMTP with unique values." out-logfile -string $functionRecipients try { set-o365MailContact -identity $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID -AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers $functionRecipients -errorAction STOP } catch { out-logfile -string "Error bulk updating AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers." out-logfile -string $_ $isTestError = $TRUE } if ($isTestError -eq $TRUE) { out-logfile -string "Attempting individual update of AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers" foreach ($recipient in $functionRecipients) { out-logfile -string ("Attempting to add recipient: "+$recipient) try { set-o365MailContact -identity $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID -AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers @{Add=$recipient} -errorAction STOP } catch { out-logfile -string ("Error procesing recipient: "+$recipient) out-logfile -string $_ $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{ PrimarySMTPAddressorUPN = $originalContactConfiguration.mail ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $originalContactConfiguration.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId' Alias = $functionMailNickName Name = $ Attribute = "Cloud Distribution contact AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers" ErrorMessage = ("Member of AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers "+$recipient+" unable to add to cloud distribution contact. Manual addition required.") ErrorMessageDetail = $_ } out-logfile -string $isErrorObject $functionErrors+=$isErrorObject } } } } else { Out-LogFile -string "There were no members to process." } $isTestError = $FALSE #Reset error tracker. $functionRecipients=@() #Reset the test array. out-logFile -string "Evaluating exchangeModeratedBy" if ($exchangeModeratedBySMTP -ne $NULL) { foreach ($member in $exchangeModeratedBySMTP) { #Implement some protections for larger operations to ensure we do not exhaust our powershell budget. if ($member.externalDirectoryObjectID -ne $NULL) { out-LogFile -string ("Processing member = "+$member.externalDirectoryObjectID) $functionDirectoryObjectID=$member.externalDirectoryObjectID.Split("_") out-LogFile -string ("Processing updated member = "+$functionDirectoryObjectID[1]) $functionRecipients+=$functionDirectoryObjectID[1] } elseif ($member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN -ne $NULL) { out-LogFile -string ("Processing member = "+$member.PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN) $functionRecipients+=$member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN } else { out-logfile -string "Invalid function object for recipient." -isError:$TRUE } } #Becuase contacts could have been mirgated and retained - this ensures that all SMTP addresses and GUIDs in the array are unique. $functionRecipients = $functionRecipients | select-object -Unique out-logfile -string "Updating moderated by SMTP with unique values." out-logfile -string $functionRecipients try { set-o365MailContact -identity $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID -moderatedBy $functionRecipients -errorAction STOP } catch { out-logfile -string "Unable to bulk update moderatedBy." out-logfile -string $_ $isTestError=$TRUE } if ($isTestError -eq $TRUE) { out-logfile -string "Attempting individual update of ModeratedBy" foreach ($recipient in $functionRecipients) { out-logfile -string ("Attempting to add recipient: "+$recipient) try { set-o365MailContact -identity $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID -moderatedBy @{Add=$recipient} -errorAction STOP } catch { out-logfile -string ("Error procesing recipient: "+$recipient) out-logfile -string $_ $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{ PrimarySMTPAddressorUPN = $originalContactConfiguration.mail ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $originalContactConfiguration.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId' Alias = $functionMailNickName Name = $ Attribute = "Cloud Distribution contact ModeratedBy" ErrorMessage = ("Member of ModeratedBy "+$recipient+" unable to add to cloud distribution contact. Manual addition required.") ErrorMessageDetail = $_ } out-logfile -string $isErrorObject $functionErrors+=$isErrorObject } } } } else { Out-LogFile -string "There were no members to process." } $isTestError=$FALSE $functionRecipients=@() #Reset the test array. out-logFile -string "Evaluating exchangeBypassModerationSMTP" if ($exchangeBypassModerationSMTP -ne $NULL) { foreach ($member in $exchangeBypassModerationSMTP) { #Implement some protections for larger operations to ensure we do not exhaust our powershell budget. if ($member.externalDirectoryObjectID -ne $NULL) { out-LogFile -string ("Processing member = "+$member.externalDirectoryObjectID) $functionDirectoryObjectID=$member.externalDirectoryObjectID.Split("_") out-LogFile -string ("Processing updated member = "+$functionDirectoryObjectID[1]) $functionRecipients+=$functionDirectoryObjectID[1] } elseif ($member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN -ne $NULL) { out-LogFile -string ("Processing member = "+$member.PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN) $functionRecipients+=$member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN } else { out-logfile -string "Invalid function object for recipient." -isError:$TRUE } } #Becuase contacts could have been mirgated and retained - this ensures that all SMTP addresses and GUIDs in the array are unique. $functionRecipients = $functionRecipients | select-object -Unique out-logfile -string "Updating bypass moderation from senders or members SMTP with unique values." out-logfile -string $functionRecipients try { set-o365MailContact -identity $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID -BypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers $functionRecipients -errorAction STOP } catch { out-logfile -string "Unable to bulk modify bypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers" out-logfile -string $_ $isTestError=$TRUE } if ($isTestError -eq $TRUE) { out-logfile -string "Attempting individual update of BypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers" foreach ($recipient in $functionRecipients) { out-logfile -string ("Attempting to add recipient: "+$recipient) try { set-o365MailContact -identity $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID -BypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers @{Add=$recipient} -errorAction STOP } catch { out-logfile -string ("Error procesing recipient: "+$recipient) out-logfile -string $_ $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{ PrimarySMTPAddressorUPN = $originalContactConfiguration.mail ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $originalContactConfiguration.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId' Alias = $functionMailNickName Name = $ Attribute = "Cloud Distribution contact BypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers" ErrorMessage = ("Member of BypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers "+$recipient+" unable to add to cloud distribution contact. Manual addition required.") ErrorMessageDetail = $_ } out-logfile -string $isErrorObject $functionErrors+=$isErrorObject } } } } else { Out-LogFile -string "There were no members to process." } $isTestError=$FALSE $functionRecipients=@() #Reset the test array. out-logFile -string "Evaluating exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP" if ($exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP -ne $NULL) { foreach ($member in $exchangeGrantSendOnBehalfToSMTP) { #Implement some protections for larger operations to ensure we do not exhaust our powershell budget. if ($member.externalDirectoryObjectID -ne $NULL) { out-LogFile -string ("Processing member = "+$member.externalDirectoryObjectID) $functionDirectoryObjectID=$member.externalDirectoryObjectID.Split("_") out-LogFile -string ("Processing updated member = "+$functionDirectoryObjectID[1]) $functionRecipients+=$functionDirectoryObjectID[1] } elseif ($member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN -ne $NULL) { out-LogFile -string ("Processing member = "+$member.PrimarySMTPAddressOrUPN) $functionRecipients+=$member.primarySMTPAddressOrUPN } else { out-logfile -string "Invalid function object for recipient." -isError:$TRUE } } #Becuase contacts could have been mirgated and retained - this ensures that all SMTP addresses and GUIDs in the array are unique. $functionRecipients = $functionRecipients | select-object -Unique out-logfile -string "Updating grant send on behalf to SMTP with unique values." out-logfile -string $functionRecipients try { set-o365MailContact -identity $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID -GrantSendOnBehalfTo $functionRecipients -errorAction STOP } catch { out-logfile -string "Unable to bulk updated GrantSendOnBehalfTo." out-logfile -string $_ $isTestError=$TRUE } if ($isTestError -eq $TRUE) { out-logfile -string "Attempting individual update of GrantSendOnBehalfTo" foreach ($recipient in $functionRecipients) { out-logfile -string ("Attempting to add recipient: "+$recipient) try { set-o365MailContact -identity $functionExternalDirectoryObjectID -GrantSendOnBehalfTo @{Add=$recipient} -errorAction STOP } catch { out-logfile -string ("Error procesing recipient: "+$recipient) out-logfile -string $_ $isErrorObject = new-Object psObject -property @{ PrimarySMTPAddressorUPN = $originalContactConfiguration.mail ExternalDirectoryObjectID = $originalContactConfiguration.'msDS-ExternalDirectoryObjectId' Alias = $functionMailNickName Name = $ Attribute = "Cloud Distribution contact GrantSendOnBehalfTo" ErrorMessage = ("Member of GrantSendOnBehalfTo "+$recipient+" unable to add to cloud distribution contact. Manual addition required.") ErrorMessageDetail = $_ } out-logfile -string $isErrorObject $functionErrors+=$isErrorObject } } } } else { Out-LogFile -string "There were no members to process." } $isTestError=$FALSE Out-LogFile -string "END SET-Office365contactMV" Out-LogFile -string "********************************************************************************" out-logfile -string ("The number of function Errors = "+$functionErrors.count) $global:postCreateErrors += $functionErrors } |