
function Get-SystemTimeZone
       Get installed timezones
       This command allows you get the list of installed timezones.
ID DisplayName BaseUtcOffset SupportsDaylightSavingTime
-- ----------- ------------- --------------------------
Dateline Standard Time (UTC-12:00) International Date Line West -12:00:00 False
UTC-11 (UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11 -11:00:00 False
Aleutian Standard Time (UTC-10:00) Aleutian Islands -10:00:00 True
Hawaiian Standard Time (UTC-10:00) Hawaii -10:00:00 False
Marquesas Standard Time (UTC-09:30) Marquesas Islands -09:30:00 False
Alaskan Standard Time (UTC-09:00) Alaska -09:00:00 True

    Update-FormatData -AppendPath (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "Convert-Time.ps1xml") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Return [System.TimeZoneInfo]::GetSystemTimeZones()
function Convert-Time
       This command allows you to convert the time between the time zones
       This command allows you to input any standard time zone name and it's local time as an input and allows you to convert the time to a different time zone. The script will take care about the day light savings on & off.
       Convert-Time -InputTimeZone "GMT Standard Time" -InputTime "1/11/2018 10:20 AM" -TargetTimeZone "India Standard Time"
InputTimeZone InputTime TargetTimeZone ConvertedTime
------------- --------- -------------- -------------
GMT Standard Time 1/11/2018 10:20:00 AM India Standard Time 1/11/2018 3:50:00 PM

        $C_Sharp_Code = @"
                            using System;
                            namespace CloudComputee.Utilities
                                public class Time
                                    public static DateTime ConvertTime(DateTime LoalTime, String TargetTimeZone)
                                        DateTime ConvertedTime;
                                        DateTime LocalTime_in_UTC = LoalTime.ToUniversalTime();
                                            System.TimeZoneInfo _TargetTimeZone = System.TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(TargetTimeZone);
                                            ConvertedTime = System.TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(LocalTime_in_UTC, _TargetTimeZone);
                                        catch (TimeZoneNotFoundException TZNF)
                                            throw TZNF;
                                        catch (InvalidTimeZoneException ITZ)
                                            throw ITZ;
                                        return ConvertedTime;

        Add-Type -TypeDefinition $C_Sharp_Code
        $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
            $InputTimeZone_res = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById($InputTimeZone)
            Write-Error "The time zone Id '$InputTimeZone' was not found"
            $TargetTimeZone_res = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById($TargetTimeZone)
            Write-Error "The time zone Id '$TargetTimeZone' was not found"
        $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
        if([System.TimeZone]::CurrentTimeZone.ToString() -ne $InputTimeZone)
            $localTime = Get-Date $InputTime
            $Non_local_Time = [CloudComputee.Utilities.Time]::ConvertTime($localTime,$InputTimeZone)
            $diff = ((Get-Date $localTime) - (Get-Date $Non_local_Time))
            $hrs = $diff.Hours
            $min = $diff.Minutes
            $Converted_Local_Time = (Get-Date $InputTime).AddMinutes($min).AddHours($hrs)
            $Result = [CloudComputee.Utilities.Time]::ConvertTime($Converted_Local_Time,$TargetTimeZone)
            $Result = [CloudComputee.Utilities.Time]::ConvertTime($InputTime,$TargetTimeZone)
        $Hash = [Ordered]@{
                            InputTimeZone = $InputTimeZone
                            InputTime = $InputTime
                            TargetTimeZone = $TargetTimeZone
                            ConvertedTime = $Result
        return (New-Object PSObject -Property $Hash)