
.VERSION 1.0.1
.GUID 346b6ee5-a5f4-498f-b852-0f129bf6ec21
.AUTHOR Ronald Bode (iRon)
.DESCRIPTION Deserializes a object.
.TAGS Desrialize Invoke Expression ScriptBlock

Function ConvertFrom-Expression {
        Deserializes a object.
        The ConvertoFrom-Expression cmdlet convert an object from a formatted
        expression string, command scriptblock or file.
        Sting or ScriptBlock. Each String or ScriptBlock provided through the
        pipeline will evaluted and converted to an PowerShell object.
        Any. One or more PowerShell objects.
    .PARAMETER Expression
        Specifies the expression or command to evaluate.
    .PARAMETER FilePath
        Specifies the path to the file containing an expression or command to
        be evaluated.
    .PARAMETER NoEnumerate
        Indicates that this cmdlet runs the expression in the current scope.
        By default, ConvertFrom-Expression runs commands in their own scope.
    .PARAMETER NoNewScope
        By default, the ConvertFrom-Expression cmdlet enumerates its output.
        The NoEnumerate parameter prevents the output enumerating.
        PS C:\> $Expression = ",[PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'Test'; Value = 123}"
        PS C:\> $Object = ConvertFrom-Expression -NoEnumerate $Expression
        PS C:\> $Object
        Name Value
        ---- -----
        Test 123
        PS C:\> $Object -is [Array]

    [CmdletBinding()]Param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Expression', Position = 0, Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeLine = $True)]$Expression,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'FilePath', Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)][String[]]$FilePath, [Switch]$NoEnumerate, [Switch]$NoNewScope
    Begin {
        Function Deserialize ($Expression) {
            Try {
                If ($NoEnumerate) {$Expression = "@{e=$Expression}"}
                If ($Expression -isnot [ScriptBlock]) {$Expression = [ScriptBlock]::Create($Expression)}
                $Object = Invoke-Command -NoNewScope:$NoNewScope $Expression
                If ($NoEnumerate) {Write-Output $Object['e'] -NoEnumerate}
                Else {Write-Output $Object}
            } Catch {$PSCmdlet.WriteError($_)}
    Process {
        If ($Expression) {$Expression | ForEach-Object {Deserialize $_}}
        ElseIf ($FilePath) {$FilePath | ForEach-Object {Deserialize (Get-Content -Raw $_)}}
}; Set-Alias cfex ConvertFrom-Expression