$rootElementName = "root" $listElementName = "element" Function Get-SafeName([string]$name){ $name = $name.Trim('-').Trim('.').Trim('_') $name = $name.Replace(' ','_') return $name } Function Convert-PSObjectToXml { param ( [PSCustomObject]$object, [Int32]$depth = 1, [Int32]$indent = 1, [Boolean]$isTopLevel = $true ) $indentString = " " $xmlString = "" if ($isTopLevel) { $xmlString += "<?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"UTF-8`" ?>" + "`n" $xmlString += "<$(Get-SafeName $rootElementName)>" + "`n" if ($object -is [array]){ foreach ($element in $object) { if ($element.GetType().Name -eq "PSCustomObject" -and $depth -gt 1) { $xmlString += "$($indentString * ($indent+1))<$(Get-SafeName $listElementName)>" + "`n" $xmlString += (Convert-PSObjectToXml $element -indent ($indent + 3) -depth ($depth + 1) -isTopLevel $false) $xmlString += "$($indentString * ($indent+1))</$(Get-SafeName $listElementName)>" + "`n" } else { $xmlString += "$($indentString * ($indent+1))<$(Get-SafeName $listElementName)>$($element)</$(Get-SafeName $listElementName)>" + "`n" } } } } foreach ($property in (Get-Member -InputObject $object -MemberType NoteProperty)) { $childObject = $object.($property.Name) if ($childObject.GetType().Name -eq "PSCustomObject" -and $depth -gt 1) { $xmlString += "$($indentString * $indent)<$(Get-SafeName $property.Name)>" + "`n" $xmlString += (Convert-PSObjectToXml $childObject -indent ($indent + 1) -depth ($depth + 1) -isTopLevel $false) $xmlString += "$($indentString * $indent)</$(Get-SafeName $property.Name)>" + "`n" } elseif ($childObject -is [array]) { $xmlString += "$($indentString * $indent)<$(Get-SafeName $property.Name)>" + "`n" foreach ($element in $childObject) { if ($element.GetType().Name -eq "PSCustomObject" -and $depth -gt 1) { $xmlString += "$($indentString * ($indent+1))<$(Get-SafeName $listElementName)>" + "`n" $xmlString += (Convert-PSObjectToXml $element -indent ($indent + 3) -depth ($depth + 1) -isTopLevel $false) $xmlString += "$($indentString * ($indent+1))</$(Get-SafeName $listElementName)>" + "`n" } else { $xmlString += "$($indentString * ($indent+1))<$(Get-SafeName $listElementName)>$($element)</$(Get-SafeName $listElementName)>" + "`n" } } $xmlString += "$($indentString * $indent)</$(Get-SafeName $property.Name)>" + "`n" } else { foreach ($element in $childObject) { $xmlString += "$($indentString * $indent)<$(Get-SafeName $property.Name)>$($element)</$(Get-SafeName $property.Name)>" + "`n" } } } if ($isTopLevel) { $xmlString += "</$(Get-SafeName $rootElementName)>" } return $xmlString } Function ConvertFrom-Json2XmlBulk([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$folderPath) { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $sourceFolder = $folderPath $xmlFileLocation = "$folderPath\converted\" New-Item -Path $xmlFileLocation -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop if ((Test-Path $xmlFileLocation) -eq $false) { Write-Host "Could not create directory $xmlFileLocation - Try creating this manually and trying again." -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black } else { Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceFolder -Filter *.json -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object { $newFileName = "$($xmlFileLocation)$($_.BaseName).xml" $json = Get-Content $_.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json $xml = Convert-PSObjectToXml $json -Depth 2048 New-Item -Path $xmlFileLocation -Name "$($_.BaseName).xml" -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop Set-Content $newFileName $xml } Write-Host "Conversion Completed. See directory $xmlFileLocation" -ForegroundColor Green } } Function ConvertFrom-Json2Xml { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [string]$jsonString ) try{ $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $json = $jsonString | ConvertFrom-Json $xml = Convert-PSObjectToXml $json -Depth 2048 return $xml } catch { Write-Host "Error Occured while processing. Please ensure you passed a complete json string." -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Common error is piping an array of strings, instead of one string. Please use Get-Content file -Raw for a complete JSON string. `nError: $($_.Exception.Message)" -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor Red } } New-Alias -Name J2X -Value ConvertFrom-Json2Xml New-Alias -Name Bulk_J2X -Value ConvertFrom-Json2XmlBulk |