
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
public static class JsonHelper
    public static object Deserialize(string json, Int32 depth)
        JsonDocumentOptions options = new JsonDocumentOptions();
        options.MaxDepth = depth;
        JsonDocument thisDocument = JsonDocument.Parse(json, options);
        return ToObject(thisDocument.RootElement);
    public static object ToObject(JsonElement element)
        JsonValueKind thisKind = element.ValueKind;
        switch (element.ValueKind) {
            case JsonValueKind.Object:
                var Properties = element.EnumerateObject();
                return new Hashtable(Properties.ToDictionary(prop => prop.Name,
                    prop => ToObject(prop.Value)
            case JsonValueKind.Array:
                var Entries = element.EnumerateArray();
                return Entries.Select(ToObject).ToArray();
            case JsonValueKind.True:
                return true;
            case JsonValueKind.False:
                return false;
            case JsonValueKind.String:
                return element.GetString();
            case JsonValueKind.Number:
                if (element.TryGetInt32(out _)) { return element.GetInt32(); }
                if (element.TryGetInt64(out _)) { return element.GetInt64(); }
                return element.GetDouble();
                return null;
 -ReferencedAssemblies netstandard,System.Collections,System.Linq,System,System.IO,System.Text.Json,Newtonsoft.Json,System.Memory

Function ConvertFrom-JsonFast {
    Converts a json string to a real object
    Converts a json string to a real object
    .PARAMETER InputObject
    The string of json to convert
    ConvertFrom-JsonFast -InputObject "{""Tom"": 5}"
    Objects will be returned as Hashtables and not as pscustomobjects

    param (
        [int] $Depth = 1024,
        [switch] $AsHashtable,
        [switch] $NoEnumerate
    begin {
        $ObjectBuffer = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()

    process {
        [void] $ObjectBuffer.Add($InputObject)

    end {

        # If our buffer only has one element in it we use this fast path. Otherwise the try{} catch{} block later will cause us to deserialize the object twice.
        if ($ObjectBuffer.count -eq 1) {
            $result = [JsonHelper]::Deserialize($ObjectBuffer[0], $depth)
        # We want to support a user passing us two discrete json objects via the pipeline where we deserialize both. So we attempt to
        # deserialize the first object and if it works we then deserialize each object as if it is its own json object.
        else {    
            try {
                [void] ([JsonHelper]::Deserialize($ObjectBuffer[0], $depth))

                $Result = @(foreach ($item in $ObjectBuffer) {
                    [JsonHelper]::Deserialize($item, $depth)
            } catch {
                # If that fails we just take the whole input, concatenate it, and pass it to the parser.
                $Result = [JsonHelper]::Deserialize([string]::join("`n",$ObjectBuffer.ToArray()), $depth)

        # The noenumerate flag allows the returning of an array without unpacking it.
        if ($NoEnumerate) {
            # We have to force return an array otherwise powershell will collapse a one element array
            if ($Result -is [array]) {
                return @(,$result)
        return $result

Function Invoke-RestMethodFast {
    Connects to a remote host and returns the content of the body casted to objects
    Connects to a remote host and returns the content of the body casted to objects
    Invoke-RestMethodfast -Uri
    Supports any additional parameters that invoke-webrequest supports. Will only work with JSON, does not work with XML

    # Proxy all of the parameters to invoke-webrequest so that this can be a drop-in for invoke-restmethod
    $params = $MyInvocation.UnboundArguments
    $result = Invoke-WebRequest @params
    ConvertFrom-JsonFast -InputObject $Result

Set-Alias -Name Invoke-FastRestMethod -Value Invoke-RestMethodFast
Set-Alias -Name ConvertFrom-FastJson -Value ConvertFrom-JsonFast

Export-ModuleMember -Function * -alias *