
# Module Manifest for: 'ConvertFrom-PowerShellDataFile'
# Generated By: Nathaniel Wallis Praytor
# Generated On: 10/18/2021

# | BEGIN Manifest >...
    RootModule = '.\ConvertFrom-PowerShellDataFile.psm1'

    ModuleVersion = '1.1.0'

    Author = 'Nathaniel Wallis Praytor'

    Description = 'Converts the contents stored in a PowerShell Data File (.psd1) to a hashtable Object, which is then stored in a Variable sharing its name with the source files BaseName.'

    CompanyName = 'Sierra Dream Studios'

    Copyright = 'Copyright (c) 2020 - 2022 Sierra Creative Workshop. All rights reserved.'

    HelpInfoUri = ''

    GUID = '1B02D897-9CB9-447C-BFDB-186EAAF33F65'

    CompatiblePSEditions = 'Core'

    PowerShellVersion = '6.0'

    # PowerShellHostName = ''

    # PowerShellHostVersion = ''

    # DotNetFrameworkVersion = ''

    # ClrVersion = ''

    # ProcessorArchitecture = ''

    # NestedModules = @()

    # RequiredModules = @()

    # RequiredAssemblies = @()

    # ScriptsToProcess = @()

    # TypesToProcess = @()

    # FormatsToProcess = @()

    FunctionsToExport = @(

    # CmdletsToExport = '*'

    VariablesToExport = '*'

    AliasesToExport = @(

    # DscResourcesToExport = @()

    # DefaultCommandPrefix = ''

    # ModuleList = @()

    FileList = @()

    PrivateData = @{

        PSData = @{

            Tags = @('powershell', 'pwsh', 'posh', 'ps', 'configuration', 'module', 'manifest', 'script', 'convert', 'psd1', 'data', 'file', 'function', 'command')

            ProjectUri = ''
            # IconUri = ''

            LicenseUri = ''

            # RequireLicenseAcceptance = $false

            # ReleaseNotes = ''

            # Prerelease = ''

            # ExternalModuleDependencies = @()
        } #END Hashtable: PSData
    } #END Hashtable: PrivateData

} # ...< END Manifest |