
# <copyright file="Invoke-AzCliRestCommand.ps1" company="Endjin Limited">
# Copyright (c) Endjin Limited. All rights reserved.
# </copyright>

Provides a wrapper around the 'az rest' command included with the azure-cli.

Provides a wrapper around the 'az rest' command included with the azure-cli, handling all the necessary JSON escaping.

The Uri of the request to be invoked.

The REST method of the request to be invoked.

The body of the request to be invoked.

The HTTP headers required by the request to be invoked. The "Content-Type" header will be automatically added if missing:

@{ "Content-Type" = "application/json" }

The JSON output from the underlying azure-cli command, in hashtable format.


function Invoke-AzCliRestCommand
    param (
        [string] $Uri,
        [ValidateSet("DELETE", "GET", "PATCH", "POST", "PUT")]
        [string] $Method = "GET",
        [hashtable] $Body,
        [hashtable] $Headers = @{}

    # Ensure we always have the 'Content-Type' header
    if ( !$Headers.ContainsKey("Content-Type") ) {
        $Headers += @{ "Content-Type" = "application/json" }

    if (@("GET", "DELETE") -contains $Method) {
        $uriEscaped = $Uri.Replace("'", "''")

        $response = Invoke-AzCli -Command "rest --uri '$uriEscaped' --method '$Method'" -AsJson

        return $response
    else {
        $bodyAsEscapedJsonString = (ConvertTo-Json $Body -Depth 30 -Compress).replace('"', '\"').replace(':\', ': \').replace("'", "''")
        $headersAsEscapedJsonString = (ConvertTo-Json $Headers -Compress).replace('"', '\"').replace(':\', ': \').replace("'", "''")

        $response = Invoke-AzCli -Command "rest --uri '$Uri' --method '$Method' --body '$bodyAsEscapedJsonString' --headers '$headersAsEscapedJsonString'" -AsJson

        return $response