
# <copyright file="Assert-AzCliLogin.ps1" company="Endjin Limited">
# Copyright (c) Endjin Limited. All rights reserved.
# </copyright>

Ensures a valid login to the azure-cli.

Verifies you have a valid azure-cli access token or prompts for an interactive login.

For automation scenarios, the azure-cli credentials can be passed via environment variables:

.PARAMETER SubscriptionId
The target Azure Subscription ID.

The AzureAD Tenant ID associated with subscription.

Returns the details of the logged-in account (i.e. the output from 'az account show').


function Assert-AzCliLogin {
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Default", Mandatory=$true)]
        [string] $SubscriptionId,

        [string] $AadTenantId,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="TenantOnly", Mandatory=$true)]
        [switch] $TenantOnly

    try {
        # check whether already logged-in
        if ($TenantOnly) {
            [datetime]$currentTokenExpiry = & az account get-access-token -o tsv --query "expiresOn" 2>&1
        else {
            [datetime]$currentTokenExpiry = & az account get-access-token --subscription $SubscriptionId -o tsv --query "expiresOn" 2>&1
        if ($currentTokenExpiry -le [datetime]::Now) {
    catch {
        # login with the typical environment variables, if available
        if ( (Test-Path env:\AZURE_CLIENT_ID) -and (Test-Path env:\AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET) ) {
            Write-Host "Performing azure-cli login as service principal via environment variables"
            $azCliParams = @(
                "-u `"{0}`"" -f $env:AZURE_CLIENT_ID
                "-p `"{1}`"" -f $env:AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET
                "--tenant $AadTenantId"
            if ($TenantOnly) {
                $azCliParams += "--allow-no-subscriptions"
            Invoke-AzCli -Command $azCliParams `
        # Azure pipeline processes seem to report themselves as interactive - at least on linux agents
        elseif ( [Environment]::UserInteractive -and !(Test-Path env:\SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONSERVERURI) ) {
            Invoke-AzCli -Command "login --tenant $AadTenantId" `
        else {
            Write-Error "When running non-interactively the process must already be logged-in to the Azure-cli or have the SPN details setup in environment variables"

    if (!$TenantOnly) {
        Invoke-AzCli "account set --subscription $SubscriptionId" -SuppressConnectionValidation
    return (Invoke-AzCli "account show" -asJson -SuppressConnectionValidation)