
# <copyright file="Invoke-AzCli.ps1" company="Endjin Limited">
# Copyright (c) Endjin Limited. All rights reserved.
# </copyright>

Invokes azure-cli commands and returns the results.

Provides a wrapper for invokes an azure-cli commands.

The azure-cli command you want to execute, excluding the 'az' reference.

Controls whether you expect the command to have a JSON response that you want returned as output.

.PARAMETER ExpectedExitCodes
An array of exit codes that will not be treated as signifying an error.

.PARAMETER SuppressConnectionValidation
When specified, the normal connection validation will not be performed. This is useful when issuing
commands before a connection has been established.

.PARAMETER UseLegacyNativeCommandArgumentPassing
When specified, '$PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing' will be set to 'Legacy'. This is useful to maintain
backwards-compatibility with versions of PowerShell (pre-7.3) for scenarios where Azure CLI
command-line arguments require the use of escaped quotation marks.


When the '-AsJson' parameter is supplied, the JSON output from azure-cli will be returned as a hashtable.


function Invoke-AzCli
    param (
        [switch] $AsJson,
        [array] $ExpectedExitCodes = @(0),

        [switch] $SuppressConnectionValidation,

        [switch] $UseLegacyNativeCommandArgumentPassing

    # Ensure the AzureCLI is installed and available
    if (!(Get-Command "az")) {
        throw "The AzureCLI could not be found. If recently installed, you may need to restart your session to update your PATH configuration."

    # Ensure we have a validation AzureCLI connection, unless explicitly suppressed
    # (e.g. when this module is trying to login)
    if ( $SuppressConnectionValidation -or (_EnsureAzureConnection -AzureCli) ) {

        # If passed an array of command arguments, concatenate them into single comnmand-line string
        if ($Command -is [array]) { $Command = ($Command -join " ") }

        $cmd = "az $Command"
        if ($asJson) { $cmd = "$cmd -o json" }
        Write-Verbose "azcli cmd: $cmd"

        # Execute the azure-cli and capture the results and any StdErr output
        $res,$azCliStdErr = _invokeAzCli $cmd
        $diagnosticInfo = @"
$($res -join "`n")
$($azCliStdErr -join "`n")

        if ($expectedExitCodes -inotcontains $LASTEXITCODE) {
            Write-Warning "azure-cli error diagnostic information:`nCommand: $cmd`n$diagnosticInfo"
            Write-Error "azure-cli failed with exit code: $LASTEXITCODE - check previous logs for more details"

        Write-Verbose $diagnosticInfo

        if ($asJson) {
            return ($res | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 30 -AsHashtable)

        return $res,$azCliStdErr

# Extract function for mocking purposes
function _invokeAzCli
    param (
        [string] $CommandLine

    # PowerShell 7.2.0 introduced a bug when using -ErrorVariable to capture errors, so we
    # have fallen back to using file-based redirection
    $azCliErrorLog = New-TemporaryFile
    try {
        # Provide a mechanism to use the legacy native command argument passing. The override
        # will fall out of scope when the function exits.
        if ($UseLegacyNativeCommandArgumentPassing) {
            $PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing = "Legacy"

        $output = Invoke-Expression $CommandLine 2> $($azCliErrorLog.FullName)
        $stdErr = Get-Content -Raw $azCliErrorLog
        return $output,$stdErr
    finally {
        Remove-Item -Path $azCliErrorLog -Force