
CredentialLocker is a module that provides commandlets to manage credentials in the password vault.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2019-09-10
Author: Markus Scholtes

#Requires -Version 3.0

# Load assembly

function Get-VaultCredential
Retrieves credentials stored in the password vault searched by resource and/or user name.
Retrieves credentials stored in the password vault searched by resource and/or user name. If a password cannot
be resolved a space is returned as password. If a credential does not exist $NULL is returned.
Name of the resource to find
Username to find
Get-VaultCredential ""
Retrieves stored user name(s) and password(s) for GitHub if credential exists
Author: Markus Scholtes
Created: 2019/09/10

    Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $TRUE)][STRING]$Resource = $NULL, [STRING]$UserName = $NULL)

    if ((!$Resource) -And (!$UserName))
        Write-Error "Resource or user name has to be provided."
        return $NULL
    # connect to password vault
    $VAULT = New-Object Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordVault

    try {
        # retrieve all credentials, filter manually and unhide passwords
        # do not use FindAllByResource() and FindAllByUserName() since it is case sensitive
        $CREDENTIALS = $VAULT.RetrieveAll() | ? { ($_.Resource -match $Resource) -And ($_.UserName -match $UserName) } | %{ $_.RetrievePassword(); $_ }
        return $CREDENTIALS
        Write-Error "Error retrieving credentials"
        return $NULL

function Show-VaultCredentials
List all credentials stored in the password vault.
List all credentials stored in the password vault. If a password cannot be resolved a space is returned as
Lists all credentials stored in the current user's password vault.
Author: Markus Scholtes
Created: 2019/09/10

    Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $TRUE)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][STRING]$Resource)

    # connect to password vault
    $VAULT = New-Object Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordVault
    try {
        # retrieve all credentials and unhide passwords
        $CREDENTIALS = $VAULT.RetrieveAll() | %{ $_.RetrievePassword(); $_ }
        return $CREDENTIALS
        Write-Error "Error retrieving credentials"
        return $NULL

function Add-VaultCredential
Adds a credential to the password vault.
Adds a credential to the password vault. A resource, user name and password can be indicated or alternatively
a password vault credential object.
.PARAMETER Credential
A password vault credential object
Resource for the credential (URL or application name).
The user name for the credential
The password for the credential
Generate web credential for browsers Internet Explorer or Edge (same as -Edge)
Generate web credential for browsers Internet Explorer or Edge (same as -IE)
.PARAMETER ApplicationId
Set application id for credential
.PARAMETER Application
Set application name for credential
Hide credential in control panel (it will not be not hidden in Powershell)
Add-VaultCredential -Resource "MyApp" -UserName "Logon" -Password "P@ssw0rd"
Add a credential for a custom application
Add-VaultCredential -Resource "" -UserName "" -Password "P@ssw0rd" -EDGE
Add a credential for a website login with Edge or Internet Explorer
Get-Credential | ConvertTo-VaultCredential -Resource "MyApp" | Add-VaultCredential -Application "MyApp"
Show a dialog to obtain a Powershell credential, convert it to a password vault credential and store it in the password vault
Author: Markus Scholtes
Created: 2019/09/10

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "STRINGS")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CREDENTIAL",Position = 0,ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $TRUE)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordCredential]$Credential,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "STRINGS",Position = 0,ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $TRUE)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][STRING]$Resource,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "STRINGS",Position = 1)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][STRING]$UserName,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "STRINGS",Position = 2)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][STRING]$Password,
        [SWITCH]$IE, [SWITCH]$Edge, [STRING]$ApplicationId, [STRING]$Application, [SWITCH]$Hide

    # connect to password vault
    $VAULT = New-Object Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordVault

    try {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "STRINGS")
        { # create new Credential
            $CREDENTIAL = New-Object Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordCredential($Resource, $UserName, $Password)

        if ($IE -or $Edge)
        { # set properties to mark as credential for Edge and IE
            $CREDENTIAL.Properties.set_item("application", "Internet Explorer")
            $CREDENTIAL.Properties.set_item("applicationid", (New-Object Guid("4e3cb6d5-2556-4cd8-a48d-c755c737cba6")))
        if ($ApplicationId)
        { # set ApplicationId for credential
            $CREDENTIAL.Properties.set_item("applicationid", (New-Object Guid($ApplicationId)))
        if ($Application)
        { # set Application for credential
            $CREDENTIAL.Properties.set_item("application", $Application)
        if ($Hide)
        { # hide credential in control panel
            $CREDENTIAL.Properties.set_item("hidden", $TRUE)

        # add new credential to vault

        Write-Output "Credential of user $($CREDENTIAL.UserName) for resource $($CREDENTIAL.Resource) stored."
        Write-Error "Error storing credential of user $($CREDENTIAL.UserName) for resource $($CREDENTIAL.Resource)."

function Remove-VaultCredential
Removes credentials from the password vault.
Removes credentials from the password vault. A resource, user name and password can be indicated or alternatively
a password vault credential object.
.PARAMETER Credential
A password vault credential object to remove
The resource for which credentials are removed
The user name for which credentials are removed
Remove-VaultCredential -Resource ""
Removes all credentials for github web page
Remove-VaultCredential -UserName "logonname"
Removes all credentials for user name "logonname"
Remove-VaultCredential -Resource "" -UserName "logonname"
Removes credential for user name "logonname" on github web page
Get-VaultCredential -Resource "" -UserName "logonname" | Remove-VaultCredential
Removes credential for user name "logonname" on github web page (same effect as example above)
Author: Markus Scholtes
Created: 2019/09/10

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "STRINGS")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CREDENTIAL",Position = 0,ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $TRUE)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordCredential]$Credential,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "STRINGS",Position = 0,ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $TRUE)][STRING]$Resource = $NULL,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "STRINGS",Position = 1)][STRING]$UserName = $NULL

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "STRINGS")
    { if ((!$Resource) -And (!$UserName))
            Write-Error "Resource or Username has to be provided."
            return $NULL
    { # the parameter was a password vault credential
        $Resource = $Credential.Resource
        $UserName = $Credential.UserName
    # connect to password vault
    $VAULT = New-Object Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordVault

    try {
        # retrieve all credentials and filter manually
        # do not use FindAllByResource() and FindAllByUserName() since it is case sensitive
        $CREDENTIALS = $VAULT.RetrieveAll() | ? { ($_.Resource -match $Resource) -And ($_.UserName -match $UserName) }
        $CREDENTIALS | % {
            Write-Output "Credential of user $($_.UserName) for resource $($_.Resource) removed."
        Write-Error "Error removing credential(s)."

function ConvertTo-VaultCredential
Converts Powershell credential to password vault credential.
Converts Powershell credential to password vault credential. Requires password to be set in Powershell credential.
.PARAMETER Credential
Powershell credential object
The resource for which the password vault credential is created
Get-Credential | ConvertTo-VaultCredential -Resource ""
Shows a dialog to obtain credential information and convert it to a password vault credential for the Wikipedia
web page
Author: Markus Scholtes
Created: 2019/09/10

    Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $TRUE)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCREDENTIAL]$Credential, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][STRING]$Resource)

    try {
        # create and return password vault credential
        return New-Object Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordCredential($Resource, $Credential.UserName, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
        Write-Error "Error creating password vault credential."
        return $NULL

function ConvertFrom-VaultCredential
Converts password vault credential to Powershell credential.
Converts password vault credential to Powershell credential. The resource information gets lost on conversion.
.PARAMETER Credential
Password vault credential object
Get-VaultCredential -Resource "" -UserName "LilyOhLily" | ConvertFrom-VaultCredential
Converts the credential for MSN in the password vault to a Powershell credential
Author: Markus Scholtes
Created: 2019/09/10

    Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $TRUE)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordCredential]$Credential)

    try {
        # unhide password in password vault credential
        # convert password to secure text
        $SECUREPASSWORD = ConvertTo-SecureString $Credential.Password -AsPlainText -Force
        # create and return Powershell Credential
        return New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($Credential.UserName, $SECUREPASSWORD)
        Write-Error "Error creating PSCredential."
        return $NULL

# Export functions
Export-ModuleMember -Function @(