
function Invoke-GenerateCmdlet {

    $SetFunction = @"
function Set-{FUNCTION} {
    Enables or disables the {DISPLAYNAME} setting
    The Set-{FUNCTION} cmdlet is used to enable or disable the {DISPLAYNAME} setting
    Written by Jaap Brasser for community usage
    Twitter: @jaap_brasser
    GitHub: jaapbrasser
    Set-{FUNCTION} -Enable
    Enables the {DISPLAYNAME} setting
    Set-{FUNCTION} -Disable -Verbose
    Disables the {DISPLAYNAME} setting, while displaying verbose information
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = `$true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = `$true, ParameterSetName='Enable', HelpMessage = 'Enable {DISPLAYNAME}')]
        [switch] `$Enable,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = `$true, ParameterSetName='Disable', HelpMessage = 'Disable {DISPLAYNAME}')]
        [switch] `$Disable
    Invoke-ConfigurationData -CallingCmdlet `$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -Parameter `$PSBoundParameters

$GetFunction = @"
function Get-{FUNCTION} {
    Queries the current setting of {DISPLAYNAME}
    The Get-{FUNCTION} cmdlet is used to query the current setting of {DISPLAYNAME}
    Written by Jaap Brasser for community usage
    Twitter: @jaap_brasser
    GitHub: jaapbrasser
    Verifies whether {DISPLAYNAME} is enabled or disabled
    Get-{FUNCTION} -Verbose
    Verifies whether {DISPLAYNAME} is enabled or disabled, while displaying verbose information
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = `$true)]
    Invoke-ConfigurationData -CallingCmdlet `$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -Parameter `$PSBoundParameters

    $Json = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
    $Function = (Get-Item $Path).BaseName
    $DisplayName = $Function -creplace '(?<!^)([A-Z])',' $1'

    $SetFunction -replace '{FUNCTION}',$Function -replace '{DISPLAYNAME}',$DisplayName |
    Out-File -Encoding utf8 -FilePath "C:\temp\CustomizeWindows11\public\Set-$Function.ps1" -NoNewline

    $GetFunction -replace '{FUNCTION}',$Function -replace '{DISPLAYNAME}',$DisplayName |
    Out-File -Encoding utf8 -FilePath "C:\temp\CustomizeWindows11\public\Get-$Function.ps1" -NoNewline

Get-ChildItem './private/data' | % {Invoke-GenerateCmdlet -Path $_.FullName}
Get-Item './private/data/TaskbarShowClock.json' | % {Invoke-GenerateCmdlet -Path $_.FullName}
Get-Item './private/data/TaskbarAdditionalCalendar.json' | % {Invoke-GenerateCmdlet -Path $_.FullName}