
##Get Primary and Secondary
function Get-D365LBDOrchestrationNodes {
    Get-D365LBDOrchestrationNodes -ComputerName "LBDServerName" -verbose
   .PARAMETER ComputerName
   The name of the D365 LBD Server to grab the environment details; needed if a config is not specified and will default to local machine.
   .PARAMETER Config
    Custom PSObject
    Config Object created by either the Get-D365LBDConfig or Get-D365TestConfigData function inside this module

    param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True,
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'D365FO Local Business Data Server Name',
            ParameterSetName = 'NoConfig')]
        [PSFComputer]$ComputerName = "$env:COMPUTERNAME",
        ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
    BEGIN {

        if (!$Config) {
            $Config = Get-D365LBDConfig -ComputerName $ComputerName -HighLevelOnly
        [int]$count = 0
        while (!$connection) {
            do {
                $OrchestratorServerName = $Config.OrchestratorServerNames | Select-Object -First 1 -Skip $count
                Write-PSFMessage -Message "Verbose: Reaching out to $OrchestratorServerName to try and connect to the service fabric" -Level Verbose
                $SFModuleSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $OrchestratorServerName
                if (!$module)
                    $module = Import-Module -Name ServiceFabric -PSSession $SFModuleSession 
                $connection = Connect-ServiceFabricCluster -ConnectionEndpoint $config.SFConnectionEndpoint -X509Credential -FindType FindByThumbprint -FindValue $config.SFServerCertificate -ServerCertThumbprint $config.SFServerCertificate -StoreLocation LocalMachine -StoreName My
                $count = $count + 1
                if (!$connection) {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Count of servers tried $count" -Level Verbose
            } until ($connection -or ($count -eq $($Config.OrchestratorServerName).Count))
            if (($count -eq $($Config.OrchestratorServerName).Count) -and (!$connection)) {
                Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Error: Can't connect to Service Fabric"
        $PartitionId = $(Get-ServiceFabricServiceHealth -ServiceName 'fabric:/LocalAgent/OrchestrationService').PartitionHealthStates.PartitionId
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "Looking up PartitionID $PartitionId." -Level Verbose
        $nodes = Get-ServiceFabricReplica -PartitionId "$PartitionId"
        $primary = $nodes | Where-Object { $_.ReplicaRole -eq "Primary" }
        $secondary = $nodes | Where-Object { $_.ReplicaType -eq "ActiveSecondary" }
        New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property `
        @{'PrimaryNodeName'                              = $primary.NodeName;
            'SecondaryNodeName'                          = $secondary.NodeName;
            'PrimaryReplicaStatus'                       = $primary.Properties[2].value; 
            'SecondaryReplicaStatus'                     = $secondary.Message;
            'PrimaryLastInBuildStatusLevelDisplayName'   = $primary.LevelDisplayName;
            'SecondaryLastInBuildStatusLevelDisplayName' = $secondary.TimeCreated;
            'PrimaryHealthState'                         = $primary.UserId;
            'SecondaryHealthState'                       = $secondary.LogName;
            'PartitionId'                                = $PartitionId;
    END {